Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[. 2~ J againfi Rebellion, Kings had their defenGe: .. ·nut what can one do againlt a Defp.eradot -who is pro– mifed Preferment if he efcape, and taught, if he {o die for th~ fervice of the. Church, to look for– as mu~h gteater a Reward than Martyrs, as his fervice is more voluntary, and o:f more publkk benefit than theirs? When Henry the Tliird was (o murdered in. France, Henry the Fourth turned Papifi, it's like much for fear. And when the firft Knife had but ftruck out his Teeth, the next diC. patcht him. King James here was not a fearlefS man: He had known of the many Treafons which Qleen Eliz.,abeth efcaped. T:be Powder-Pl.ot thundred to him, though it tqok not .fire. King ,Henry's Stabs did yet [peak louder. He .was told, This jhall be y(mr End; thin/znot to efcape; Infiluments · will be found whfJ prefer the Ch~trch befo·re their Li11es, if yoH repent 'i'lot. What a firait now is a King in, whofe Life is thus at the mercy of a thoufand de– luded defperate Slaves of the Pope ! ·That which kindlech revenging anger in aKingdom or Senate, may rationally caufe fear in a lingie man : For it is eafie.r to kill aKing, thana Kingdom or a mul– titude. § XIII. The unhappy Differences about the five Articles in Belgio (in !Vhich I am pafi: doubt both Parties there were much to be blamed) involved · the Learned Hugo ·Grotius in fufferings : The Con– tra-Remonfl:rants were too violent, and trufied to the Sword of the Prince of Orn,nge; ctnd Grotim . being condemned to lmpri[onment, and by his \Yife ~ot out in a Trunk, on pretence of carrying , away hts Books, becoming tht; Queen of ~wedens_ Refident Embaffador in France, no doubt exafpe– , rated, and falling into intimate acquaintance with . c4 ~ •