Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 22 J the reil: in their profecution of the Nonconfor: rnifts ; And though befot;e by connivance they had enjoyed more quietnefs, yet when once the Canon,was made and Executed for Subfcribing that [ there i1 nothing,contrary to the Word of God in the .Liturgy, &c. J and the Excommunicating Canons, five, fix, feven, &c. the reconciliation of the Ptotefiants feemed hopelefs. Yet even the hottefi profecuting Bii11ops were firm Adverfaries to Popery; yea Whitguift though~ Arminianifm came fo near it, as made him con– fent to the ill~framed Lambeth Articles. And that nnhappy Controverfie called Ar~inian ( which I have largely proved to be over~aggra\·ated on both fides for want ofadifiintt way of Examina– tion, in my Cath. 'Iheol.) increafed the Divifion ' much. Tbe Je(uits being mofi hated by the Pro– tefiants, the Arrninians were taken to incline ' to Popery, though the Dominicans who had been on the c0nrrary fide, had been the Bloody Ma- - fiers of the Inquifttion. And when our Englifh ·Atminians were accufed of approaching Popery, it inclined fome of them to think more favoura"' bly of a Reconciliation with thofe whom they were likened to. And the Papifts neN"er ceafed their diligence, fecrer or open, for the refiorati– on of their Forreign Jurifdittion and their Er– rours. § XII. The Councils at the Laterane, Lyons,and others having fo fee up the Pope above Kings, as that thofe whom he Exccmmunicates may be de– pofed, and ' are then no Kings: And their Moll: Learned Doet:ors writing this, the Pope came ,to · hy much of his, firengrh upon King-killing; and it hath proved too fuccefsful : Had it been only . - - againft