Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• [ s6 J i of ignorant SubjeCl:s of the Turk, be~aufe once Men were advanced to high Titles over Towns · now defiroyed, in one Chrifl:ian Empire now dif– folved or turned Mahometans. 4· There is therefore but one way left, which is for the Pope and his Privy Council of Cardinals ' to be the fianding Governour, by Juagment and Execqtion, and to call when Princes force him to it, fuch European Councils as he can, and ( as he dorh ) to make four Nominal Patriarchs ( of Conjf. Alex. Antioch and Jerufalem) ·as Men make Kings, Qieens, and Bifhops on a Chefs-board, and to call thefe General Councils, as he did that' at Trent, and to keep the people ignorant enough to believe it. · As for the making ofa fort of new Patriarchs there mufi go fo much to agree who they !hall be among all Chrifiian Princes and Nations, and then to p1·ove that they are the true Reprefenters ofall others, and that the Reprefenters or reprefented have any Univerfal Legi!lative Power,. that I am in no Expectations of any fuch Sovereignty. I have proved againft Mr. Hoofr.!!r that the Body of . the people as fuch are nor the G'ivers of the Power of their Govern ours, nd th~refore cannot give . power to an Univerfal Sttpream. XXIII. When I had feen all Mr. Thorndikes J3ooks, and Dr. Heylins, and fome other fuch, find A. Biiliop' Bramhalts Book againfi me, with a long and vehement reproving Preface, I purpofed to have again detected the defign, and have an– fivered that Bock. But my Bookfeller Ne·vill Simons told me that Mr. Roger Leftrange then 0verfeer of the Prefs, came to him and vehement– lY prot~fted rha~ he would ruine him ifhe printed . my