Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

r s7 J my Anfwer to it: And when it might not be Printed I forbore to Write it. Since then among others Mr. Dodwell hath ap– peared with moft Voluminous confidence, whom I have anfwered; who ·I doubt not wiii want nei– ther Ink, Paper, Words or Face for a reply. My Conference with Bithop Guning I thought it againhl the Rules ofConverfe to publifh; But his Chaplain Dr. Saywell, Mafier of aColledge in Cambridge, whom I take for his Mouth, being hirnfelf prefent, hath publia1ed what he would have the World to believe ofour Difcourfe, in a Book againfi: me , for Univerfal Jurifdict:ion i And therefore he hath put forne necefficy on me CO publilh. the Truth, which I am confident will not be to the Readers lofs oftime, who will perufe it~ When I had fent him my Book ofConcord, he fent meDr. Saywell's firfr, by Dr. Crowther, of which I wrote to hirn my fence. On this he delired me to <;ome fpeak with him, which having done three feveral days, I thought it meet at Night to Recol– leCi: our Difcourfe and fend him the Sum of all in Letters, that neither he might forget it, or any Man mifreprefent it. Thefe four Letters I have therefore here annexed, and with thetn an an– fwer to Dr. Saywell's Reafons for a F01·reign }uriCdiction. · XXIV. I am fo far from charging the Church of Englan'd with the guile of this Doetrine or De– fign, that I prove that the Church of England is utterly againfi it.· But then by that Chu;ch I do not mean any Men that can get heighth and confi– dence er;ough to call themfelves the Church of Eng""' land ; but thofe chat adhere to the Anicles of Religion, the Doetrine, Wori11ip and Govern– ment by Law Efiablif11ed, D 3 XXV. •