Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 6g J ~. ( That no other Laws ihall hereafter be "made anew againft the faid Roman Catholicks ; ' but that there !ball be a perpetual Toleration of ' ·the Roman Carholick Religion within Private ' ,Houfes throughout all .Our Realms and Domi– ' nions ; which Vle will have to be underfiood as ' well ofOur Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland, 'as in England; which !hall be Granted to them 'in manner and form as is Capitulated, .Decreed, 'and Granted in the Articles of the Treacy con– ' cerniqg the Marriage. 3· ' That neither byUs, nor by any othe,r inter-. ' pofed Perfon whatfoever, direCtly or indirectly, 'privately or publickly, will We Tr@at or Ar- ' tempt any rhing with the·moft renown~d Lady 'Infanta Donna Maria, which fuall be repugnant ' to the Roman atholick Religion: Neither will ' We by any means perfwade her that fhe ihould ' ever renounce or relinqui!h the fame, in Sub- ' fiance or Form, or that ibe iliould do any thing 'rep-ugnant or contrary to thofe 'things which ar~ - ' 'contained in the Treaty of Marriage. 4· 'That We and the Prince of Wqles will ' imerpofe Our Authority, and will do as mu6h 'as in Us {hall lye~ that the Parliament filall ap · ' prove, confirm and ratifie all and fingular Arti– ' des, in favour of the Roman Catholicksr ·eapi– ' tulaced between the·moft renowned Kings, by ' reafon of rhis Marriage : And that the faid ' ·Parliament {hall Revoke and Abrogate particular ' La\vs made againft the faid Roman Catholicks , ' 'to whofe obfervance alfo the reH of Our Sub- / · ' jeets and Va!Els ' are not obliged; as likewife 'tbe general Laws under \vhich all are equally ~ .comprehended, to wit, as to the RomanCarhoF 3 ~ 'licks, •