Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

.[ 7° 3 ,' licks if.they he fuch as is aforefaid, which a_re 'repugnant to the Roman Catholick Religion· . . ·' And that hereafter we will not confent that the ' faid Parliament ihall ever at '!AY time enact or · ·' 'wdre any other, .or xl'ew Laws againft Roman . 9 Catholicks. ·. 'Mo~~O\:er,I Charles Prince of Wal~s engage my / ' felf ( and promife, that the mofi Illufirious ,,King ofGreat Britain my mofi honoured Lord ·• and Father !hall do the fame both by word and .~ writing) that all thofe things which are contain– ' ~Q io the foregoing Articles, anp concern as ' well the Sufp~nfion as the Abrogation of .the C• Laws made againfi the Roman Catholicks fhall ' ' within th.ree years infallibly take effect, and ' footl'e,r if it b~ poffible, which we will have to , ' lye ripq~ .o~r Confcien~e and oyal ~no!-lr ; ' ~hat I will mrerc;:eed With the moft Illufinous 'King ofGreat Britain my Father, th~t the ten } years of the Education .of the Children wh~ch .' !ball be Born of this Marriage with the rnofi 11- , lutlri'ous Lady Infanta their Mother, accorded· f inth~ Twenty third Article ( which term ~he ' Pope ofRome defires to have prorogued to twelve ~ year~ ) may be lengthened to the faid term. ' And I Promife freely of my own accord an4 .~ Swear that ifit fo happen tha~ the entire power ' of difpofing of this matter be ·devolved to me, I .. ~''' ill alfo'grant and approve the faid term. " 'Fur~her) I Prince of~ales <?blig_e my felf upon 'my Faith to 'the Carhohck Kmg, that as often ~as the Illuftrious Lady lnfaQta ihall require that I ~ fhould give eaf to 'Divines or others whom her ' Highnefs{ball be pleafed to imploy \n matter of ~ d~e Roman Religion, 1 will hearken tC? !he111 ' ..·. . ( '• ! wdhn51Y; ' .