Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( 7 I J c willingly wirhotlt all difficulty, and laying afide 'all ex~ufe. And for further caution in point of ' free exercife of the Catholick Religion and 'Sufpenfion of the Laws above-named, I ch"!rles ' Prince ofWales Promife and rake upon me, in ' the word of a King, that the things above-pro– ' mifed and treated concerning thofe matters ihall ' take effett and be pur in execution as well in the ' Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland, as of Eng– ' land. The Privy Councillors Oath, faith the fame Author, was this. 'I A. B. do Swear that I will truely and fully ' obferve as t)"luch as b~longeth to me all and eve– 'ry the Articles which are contained in the treaty 'ofMarriage between ~he moft Gracious Charles 'Prince of Wdtles and the mofr Gracious Lady 'Donna Maria Infanta of Spain: Likewife I Swear ' that I will neith commit to Execution nor ' Caufe to be Execqted by my felf or any inferior 'Officer (erving me, any Laws againft any Ro– ' man Catholicks wbatfoever, nor will execure ,a– ' ny punia1ment infliCted by thofe Laws, but inall ' things which belong to me will faithfully ob– ' ferve, his Majefiies word given on that be- ' half] , · I have recited thjs to 01ew that the Papifts de~ ceive Forreigners, when tbey tell them that they lived here under cruel Perfecution. And yet let none think that the King turned Papifi: For all this was on condition of the Spaniili Match which was broken : And the King well knew that the Parliament would never confent to it. But his own words may fatisfie us in this : For, faith Rujhworth, [' The King called a Parliament F 4 'I62~. •