Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• I I . ' Pofierity hath not given thofe Praifes and Elo~ ' gies of Honour as were due to them. I believe ' that your Holinefs hath fet their Examples be– ' fore my Eyes to the end I might imitate them in , 'all my Actions : For in truth they have often 'expofed their Efiates and Lives for the Exalta– ' tion of the Holy Chair. .And the Courage 'wherewith they have aifaulted the Enemies of ~the Crofs of Jefus, Chrifr, bath not been lefs 'than the Care and Thought which I have to the ' End that the Peace and Intelligence which hath 'hitherto been wanting in Chriftendom mi.ght _be 'bound with a true and ,ftrong Concord. For as ' the common Enemy of Peace ftill watcheth to 'put hatred ~nd diffention among chriftian Prin– ' ce~, fo I believe that the Glory of God requires ., thlt we {bould endeavour to unite them. An(! ' I do not efi:eem it a greater honour to be de– ' fCended from fo great Princes, than to imitate ' the Zeal of their Piety. In which ic ' helps me very much to have known the mind 'and will of our thrice honoured Lord and Fa– ' ther, and the Holy Intentions of his Cacholick 'Maj~fiy,to give a happy concurrence to fo lauda- . ·' ple a Delign. For it grieverh ·him exceedingly ' to fee the great evils that grow from the Divi– ' £ions of Chrifiian Princes, which the Wifdom of 'your Holinefs forefaw, when it judg~d the– ' riage which you pleafed to defign between the 'Infanta of Spain and my (elf to be necefiary to 'procure fo great a good. For it is very certain ·I i11all never be fo extreamly affectionate to any ' tbing in the World, as -to endeavour alliam.:e 'with a Prince that bath the fame apprehen(ton ~ of the true R~ligion with my felf lh~refore I · ~ imreat