Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 77 J ' intreat your Holine£s to believe that I have been 'always very far from Novelties,· or to be apar– ' tizan ofany FaCtion, againft the Catholick Apo– ' fiolick Roman Religion. But on the contrary 'Ihave fought all occafions to take away the fuf- ' picion that migh't refi upon me. And that I will · 'employ my felf for the time to corn e to have ' but one Religion and one Faith ; feeiog we all 'believe in one Jefus Chrill: , Having refolved in 'my felf, , to fpare nothing that I h~ve in the ' ,World, and to fuffer all manner of aifcommo- ' dities, , even to the hazarding of my Efiate and 'Life for a thing fo well pleafing to God : It ' refis only that I thank your Holinefs for the per· ' ·miffion you have pleafed to afford me. And I 'pray God to give you aB leffed Health, and his 'Glory after fo much pains \~hich your Holinefs ' takes in his Church. Signed, Charles Steward. § 3· Read Rufh~orth's Copy p. 82, 83. whether is moft current I know not, but this much 1hews that the Papifis complaint of cruel' ufage here is unjufi. And lefi any believe them that. fay King Charles was at the Heart a Papill, Jet them note, 1. How many and firon"gtemptations he frufirated. 2. That when he wrote this he was in their power. ' 3. That here is no promife to fubjett himfelf to a Foreign Jurifdietion, but to endea,. · vour Peace and Concord ; which may better ·be by drawing the Papifis to us, than by coming to them. The truefi Adverfaries to Popery are the greateft Lovers of true Concord and Peace~ -§ 4· All the lenity that was {hewed them af– ter . .