Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

~'-0,4 1JireElions for awell grounded Faitb. -JJirr{i. ,g, 9.· ~9· Dirctl:. !8. Keep in a life of holy Order, fuch as_God halh appoimed you !O walk in. For there 1s no prefervat1on for firaglers that keep not Rank and E1le, but forfake the order which God tom– manderh thc:m. And this order lycth principally in thcfe points: r. That you keep in Union with rh Uni\•n[al Church. Separate not from Chrifis body upon any pretence whatever, With the Church a.~ Rescmr11te, hold fpiritual communion, in faith, love and holinefs: with the Church as Congrt"gate and Vihblc~ hold outwartl Communion in Erofeffion, and Worfhip• . 2. If you are not Teachers,Jive un.. der yo'ur pmicular f•ithful Paflors, as obedient DifCiples ofChrill. 3· Let the moll godly, ifpollibie be your familiar~. 4· Be laborious in an outward Cal1ing. ) v· :1 §·50· Direct. 19· Tum aUGods PrQVidencu wbetlur of profperity or advcrfiJy againft )'OHr fim. If 1 !':' · 1~· he give you health and wealth, remember he thereby obligctb you to obtdience, and calls for fpecial tCrvice from you. If he afflict you, remember that it is fin that he is otiCnded at, and fearcherh af~ ter; and therefore take it as his Phylick, and fee that )'OU hinder not, but help on its work, !hat it may purge away your fin. Dintf1.,2.. 9· 5 I• Direct. 20. Wait patiemly 811 Cbrijf till he have fi1rijhed the cure, whic!J n:iUnot be till tbK trying life bt finijhcd: Perfevcre in attendance on his Spirit and Mean1; for he will come infeafon and will not tarry: Hof. 6. :3· "ibcn foal! we, if we foliow on to lznot'f) tbe Lcrd: RH going fOrth is prepated 01 the morning, and he jhaU come umo M ar the rain : M tbe lattr and former r<Jin upon tbc rartb. though you have oft faid, Thtre i1 1UJ healing, ]er. 14· 19. He wiU heal your b:zck,-flidi 11 g 1 , and lll'l.·e )'rt'frcefy, Hof.r4·4· Vnto yr;u tbatfear hi1 11amr,jhall the Sun ofrighteoufnejiarifi with healing in bi< wing!. Mal. 4· 2· And hl<jfed are aY thry ilwwait for bim. Ifa. 30. t8. G1:.\Dir. 9· Our \V~t"far.: under Chrifi a~-rinll the iemptCr. Thus I have given fuch Directions as may help for Humiliation mtdcr fi11 , or hatredof itJ and delitlcrancc tiom it. DIRECT. IX. Spend all your dayes in askilji1l, 'l>igilant, rejolute mid War againft tbe Flejb, the World and the 1Je1>il, as thoje that bal>e col>enanted to follorv (hrift tl>e [ap. t11i11 of your Sal'l>ation. SeemyTr~:l- §.I· THe F/tfl, is the End of Tunpta~ion, for a11 is to plra.Je. it, Rum. 13. '+: ~nd therefore •s rife ofcrtm/j·- the greatdl enemy: Theworld JS the MattcrofTemprauon: And the Devzl1s che firft movtr, i;:g the wo,·ld, or tJficiem of ir; and this is the Trinity of enemies to Chrifi and us, which we renounce in Baptifm, j~,;t Sll[, and mutt conllantly refill. Of the worldand fhfh I lhall fpeak Chap. 4· Hero I lhall open the Method! of the D<Vil. And firll I JlJall prepare your underllandmg, by openmg fame prefuppofed rrurhs. · 9· 2. r. It is' prefuppofed, that thereil a De:lil. He that beiieveth not this, doth prove it to others, by !hewinghow grolly the Dtvil can befool him: Apparitions, Witchcrafts and Temptations are full proofs of it to fenfe; bcfides what Scripture faith. vf •he Tem9· 3· ·z. It is fuppofcd that he is the dead{y enemy •fCbtij! and M : He was oncean Angel, and or~tio:>ns to /fell from his firfi dlate by fin, and a world of evil Spirics with him ; and it is probable his envy • itinderCo)lagainfi mankind might be the greater, as knowing that we were made to fuccecd him and his fo1b~ef~~;~ha~~. lowers, in tl~eir H~te of glor.y : f?r Chritl faith, that ~e Chall be. eqHal :Vitb the Angrl1, L~ke 20.36. He fhew(d bu tmmty toman m our mnoccncy, and by hts temptatiOn caufed our fall and m1fery. But after the faH, God put an mmitj into the natu!e .of man •gail!jf Dro.:i/.i, as ;: merciful prefervative againfi tclTlptation: {o that as the wbolc nature ot man abho~rerh the 11ature of,.S~rft'Jttl, fo cloth the foul abhor and dread the diabo!ical nature. And thtrefore fo far as the Devil is' fecn in a temptation now, fo fat it is frufirated; till th~ enmity in.nature be overcome by his deceits: And this help nature hath againlt temptation, which it feems our nature had not before the fall, as not knowi11g the malice of the Devil againfi us. . 9· 3· There is aNatural fJtmity to the Devil bim{elf put mtoall the womans nat1~ral fud: But the tnoralenmiry againH hisfi;iful temptation! a;zd worbJ, is put only into the {piritual feed by the Ho– ly Gholl .( txcept what remnants are iu the light ofNature. ) I will be brief of all this and the next, having fpoken of them more largely in my Treatife againll lnjidtlit)', Part. 3· page 190. 9· I3,&c. 9. 4• The Devils names do tell us what he is. In t,he Old Tellament he is cilled, 1. T_he ,Scr– Pid. Paols sy: pent, Gen. 3• 2· The Hebrew word tranfhred [ Devih) inLevit. 17· 7.• ~nd !fa. 13· 2 I· . hgnJtieth ~"p{is ~ritic. [ l1airy J as ?atps arc defcribed, and fometirne [ Hre-go.:JtJ: .J. Becauft: m fuch fh::~pes he oft ~ppea~n L<~tt,,, 77· eth. 3· He IS called [ Satan,] Zech. 3· l· 4• [An <V<~ Spmt J I Sam. 18. 10. 5· [A lymgSpt– !~cth~~;jter rit J 1 Kings 22. 22· for he 11 4 J.yar, and the Fatber of Jt) John 8. 44• 6· H1s oft-fprmg JS called ~iv:;f ~h;%· t:hfpofiticn, wh;ch S:a:m ~s :1 Tempter c:~uf~t:l, :tnd fo he is .known by it as hii ·Off~fpring. [A Spirit