Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

DircEiions for a Jvell grounded Faitb. LAse i•·it ofunclunnrfi.J Ztclr. J 3· 2· 7· And he (or his Splwn) is aal!ed [ A. S~irit of fBrnica– ri.n J Hof. 4· tz. rhar IS, Idolatry. 8. [ A perverfe Spmt caufingjlaggmng and gtddmefs as adrunJtsu m.m, J lf<f, 19· 14· . . • . • 9· <.· In rhe New Tclhmenr, r.He ts fome!tmes called hmply [a Spmt J Mar. 9• 20, 26. Luke 9 . 39.' & 1 o. 20· 2· Sometimes [ <~~vt:;,,oJ.1:t.iKi9~tfrt<t, uncltall Spirits J Luke 6. 18. ascontrary torhe Ho/\1:r;piril: and that from their N.;tiue and effeDs. 3· And after [ At~l~brto,, Dr¥mons J a word tak~,1 ; 11 a good fenfc in Hea·rhen Writers, but not in Scripture, becaufe they woriliipped Devils un– der t!.lat name, ( unlefs perhaps A{ls lf· 18. 1 1im. 4· J,) And [ l!.:t.i!J."'' J with refpect to their lznrnv tcdnc and as fl":Jme think to [he l{.nowkdgt promi[c:d to Adam in the temptation. 4· [ 0Hfi(&~r : tbe ~/cmpt;r J Mar. 4· 5· [Satan J Mar. 4• I Per. 5; 8. 6. [ l:t8to<: an enemy J Mat. '3· 28,39_. 7·1{hc {troiiJ!. m.m armed, Mat. 12. 8. [ Angelr] I (.''()r. 6. 3· 2 Pet. z, 4· Angels wbzch k,cpt not thezr firPf }fate, )ude 6. 9." A Spirit of di~in.1tion, Acts z6.J6, IO· A roaring Lyon, 1 Pet. 5· 8. u. A 't,i 11 rdcrrr, Jolm 8.44· 12· .Brlial, 2 Cor. 6. IS· I3· Brelzebub, Mat. 12· rhe God offlies. '4• The Prince of ·this ;rvo11ld, John 12· .21. from his power over wicked' men. 15· 1he God of rhil tvflf'fd, 2 Cor. 4• 5· beca.dc the world obeyhim. I6. Tbe Prince of 1be power of the air, Eph. 2· •· '7· The R nler of tbe dJrlqtcfs of this world, Eph. 6. 12· Principalities and powrrs. 18. The Father of the n"jck,_cd, John 8. 44· , I;;.1be DrugoJt and the old Serpwt, Rev. r 2. 20. [ "'"~••@- J the c3lumnia– tl Jrorfalji:accttfer,o£ter. 2I·[Oo:r~PJlfiH 1 ]tbe tvilone, Mat. 23·19• 22·AilevilSpirit, hcts l9·l 5• 23· [ A•wo.,,J the deftroye:r, and Abaddon, rhe King of rhe Locuftr, and A11gel ofthe bot· t"omlt.[s pit, Rev. 9· 11· ( unlds that fpeal< ofAntJchnll.) . . 9· 6. 3· He is too j!rvng an enemy for lapfed finful man to deal wnh of h1mfelf. If he conquered Ius in imwcmcy, whu may he do now? He is dange~ous, •· By the greatnefs of hisfubtilty. 2. By ithe greatncfs of his Pf!Wcr. 3.By the greatnefs ot his Malict. And heuce 4· By his confiant di~ ligence, warching when we 1\erp, Mat. I3· 25· and {tekjng night and day to drviJttr, I Pet. 5• 8. Rev. 12· f 1 9· 7• 4• Therefore Chrifl bath engaged himfelf in our Caufe, and is become the C•ptain of our See my To·Cl· Jalvation, H.:b. 2• JO· And the world is formed into two A,..miu, that live in continual War : The rife :~g1inft is the Prince and General ofone, and his Angels and wicked men arc his Armies: Chrifi is the as King and General of tbe other, and his Angels, ( Heb. 2· 14.) and Sai11ts .are his A.rmy. Between bcforecmd. dleft two Armies are thegreateft cOllfli.& in the world. 9 7. 5.1t is fuppofed alfo .thar rhis War is carried on on both fides rritbin ur, and without Uf ; by inward felicitations and outward means_, which·uc: titted rhereunco. 9· 8. 6. Sorh Cbrij! and Satan work by Officers, injlrHmtnts and meant. Chrifl bath his Minijlm , Cor. l· 1 • to preach his Go[pel, and pull down the Kingdom ol Saran : And Satan hath his Minifterr to preach & 4 . '· licentioufncfs and lies, and J:o refi(\ the Gofpel and Kingdom of Chrift. Chri~ hath his Churcb, and :t Cor. u . J!, the Devil hath his SyHagng~tc. Chrifis Souldiers do every one in their places fight for him ag:Un{\the Afrs l.J· s, 9, Devil : And the DeviJs Souldiers do-every one in t<heir .places fight againfi Chrift. The Gtner.als are 10 • both un[ten tomortals : and the tmficn Power is theirs: but their AgtHts are vijible: The SOH/diers fight not only ;1gainfi the Generals, butagainfi ont anothir; but it is all or chiefly for the Gtnerals fak!s: lr is Chrij! rhar rhe wicked perfecute in his Servantr, A/Jr ;;. 4· And it is the Devil wborn rhe godly hate and relifi in •the wick,_ed. But yet here are divers notable differences. I· The Dtvilr Servants do not what they do in fovt 11 him, but to their own ftrjh : but Chrijfr Seruanu do what they do in Love to him, as well .as to them~ felves: 2. The Devils Army are cheated inroArms andW:ar; not knowing whar tpeydo: ButChrij! dorh all in .the open light, and will bave no fervanrs, bur thofe rhat deliberately adhere to him. when they know the wor!t. 3· I'he Dtvils fervanr·s do HQJ J;.nuw that he is their G(neral; but Chrifts fuUowerr do all !;.non•their Lord. 4· The Devils followers difown their Mafier and their worJ;.: they will -nor own that they fight agai1ill Chrifl and .his Kingdom while thcf .Iu it : But Chrifls followers own their Captain, and his cau[e,,and work: foxhe is not a maficr tO be afhamed of. 9· 9· 7· Both Chri!l and Satan work ptr['R'ajivety., by moral meant, and neither of them by con– ftraint and force. Chrifi: forc!!th not men again~ their wiU.s to good ; . and Satan ca,.mut(orct them to be bad , but all the endeavour is to 'make mtn wiUing ; and he is ('he Conquerour thar ~~t-teth and keepeth our own con{ent. §. ro. 8. Their Ends are contrary, and therefore their wayts are alfo cont,rary. The Devils llfd is to draw man to rfikt and to damnuion, and to difho'JOHr God: And Cbrifts tnd is ro draw mc_n horn fin ro Holinefs and falvation, and to honour God. .But Chrifi maketh known hH e.nd, and Satan co1Jctaleth his Endfrom his followers. 9· I r. 'I· Thcre is foonewhat within thq>,oo.d and bad for the contrary part ro work upon : and we are, as it were divided in your [elves, and have fomcwhat in us that is on both fides. The wiclt_e.d have an honourable ack._no.QJ/tdt,t.mem ofGad., ..and of their gtcatcli obl~tion to hjm; a hatred eo rhe Devil; a love of thcm{dr.1es ; a wimngn.efi to be h~tppy, and an unwillingnefs to be m.iferable ; and a confcienee which approvcth .of•tban they do, and condemnerh much of their tra,nfgrefli– on. This is fome advanrag' to the perfwafions of the Miniflcrs of Chrifl ro work upon : And they have Rca[on capable of knowing more. The Souldiers of Chrift havt:: a f/cjhly appetite, and the remnants pf ignoran.ct and error in their minds, and of eanhlinefs, and carnaljty, and averf~nefS te,G,pd jn their wills; wicb ,a 1 nearnefs to this world, and•much flrangenefs to the woiid·to·•om~. And h~re is too rouch ajl~antage for Satan tQ work Qnlby his temptations.