Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

106 1Jire[/;ions for a 1vell grounded Faitl!. 9· 12. lO· But if is the prcdomi~tJnt part within ur, and the fl:ope f{ ortr livu which fhewerh whidt of the Anni<.s we belong to: And thus we mull give up our narn~;s and hearts to Chrifi, and engage under his ConduCt againll the Devil, and conquer to the death, if we will be faved. Nut to tight ag~inll: the bnc Name of the D~vil ;_for fo w~ll_his own Sould~crs, ~nd fpit at his name, and La"g a Witch that makes a. contraCt With hun: But 1t IS to fight agamfi h1s caufe and wor.!t,, which is b'f lighting a~ainfi the1Vurld and the Flejh, and for the glory ofGod. . §. 13. ln opening to you this holy War, I fhall I· Shew you what we mufl. do on theOffenfive part • 'fhe Met=:oJ. 2. What on the Dejcnfive p3rt. And here I £hall fhew you, I. What it is that the Tempter aimeth a; as his End. I J. \Vhat matter or ground he worketh upon. I I I. \\'hat are his SuccoUts and Af~ fillants. I V. What kind of Ollittrs and lnfiruments he ufeth. V. Willt arc his Methods and aCtUoll Temptations, l· To aCtual fin, 2· Againft oui dzety to God. §· I 4· I. Our offenfivc arm1 ar.e to be u[ed, I. AgainH the power of fi;z within Uf : and all irs ad. vantages and helps : For whileSatan rukth and poffdfeth IM within, we fhall never.well oppofe him. witb!ut. 2. AgainH jiJt in others as far as we have oppottuniry. 3· Againfi the credic and honour of bn in the world : As the Devils Servants would bring Light and Holinefs into difgrace, fo Chrills.. ~ervants mull call dif{;race and iliame upon fin and dar1tncfs. 4· Againft all rhe Reafonings offinners and their {ubtile fallacies whereby they would deceive. 5· Again!! thepaffi3HJ and violent l.!fh which. are rhc caufes of mens other fins. 6. Againfi the holds and helps of fin, os falfe Teachers, prophane Revilers, ignorance and deceit. Only rake heed that en this pretence we fiep not out of our ranks and places, to pull down the powers of the world by rebellions; For the weapons of our w.zrfare.. are ;zot carnlll, 2 Cor. IO· 4• · §. 1 5· •· As to our Dtfmce, J, The ends of the Tempter which mufi be perceived, are thefc. '· [n .general, his a•m is ar our utter ruine anddamnation, and to draw us here tO dijhonour Godas much as i1e can. But tfpecially his aim is to firc:ngthen the gr(at heart-fins, which are rnoft morral, at~d are r!\r. roar, and life, and [pawners of the re£\; Efpec1ally thefe : 1. Ignorance, which is the friend and c!oke to all thnell. 2. Error, which will jufiitie_them. 3· Vnbtlief, which keeps off all that !hould op– pofe them. 4• Athcifm, prophanenefs, unholintjj, which are the deliance ofGod and all his Armies. S· Prrfumption, which emboldneth them, and hides the da11gcr. 6. Hzrdnifi of heart, which forti– tieth them againtt all the batteries of Grace. 7· Hypocrijic, which maketh them ferve him as Spiu. and.lnteUigencers in the Army of Chrifi. 8. Difajfe[lion to God and his wayes and fervants, which is the Devils colours. 9· Vmhankfubuft, which tend:i ·ro make them unreconcileable and unrecove~ rabic. to. Pride, which commandeth many Re!:)tmenrs of leffer fins. J. 1. JYorldlimfs, or love of :Animi molJes money and wealth, which keepeth hts Arm1cs in pay. 12. Sen{u3/ity, Voluptuou[nefi, or fiejb-pleafing, & xtate Auxi, which is the great Commander of all the reft. For felfijbnefs is the DevilJ Lieutenant: Gener.11, which dol~s luud confificth chiefly in the three laft named; but efpeciJily in Pride and Senjita/ity. · Some think that it is ~a~~~!~: outward fins that bring all the danger; but thde twelve beart-ji1u, which I have named ro you, arc the rwdve Gates·of the infernal City, which Satan loveth above all the reil. 9· r6. I I. The Matter and Grozmdsof his TernptatiORS are thtfe. I. The Devil firn worketh uo– on the outw:Jrd finfe, and fo upon the flNjitive appetite : He Cheweth the Cup to the Drunkards ey~; and the bait of "tilthy lufi to the fornicaror;. and the riches and pomp of the world to the coverous and proud: The Glutton tafitth the fweetnefs of the di!h which he loveth: Stage-playes, and tempt· ing fports, and proud attire, and fitmptuous buildings, and all fuch fcnfual things ate the baits by which the Devil angleth for fouls. Thus Eve firfi J.>w the fruit, and then tajled, and then did w: Thus NoaiJ, and Lfll, and David finned. Thus Achan faith, Jo!h. 7· 2 I. 1 Jaw (the Garment!, Silver and Gold) I coveted them, and I toov_ them. The {enfe is the door of fin. §. I?· 2.TheTempter next workcth on the Fa-n.tafie or Imagination ; and prints upon it the lovclie!l image of hi! bait that ponibly he can, and engageth the finner to 1hinl{ on it, and to xowl it over and over in his mind, even as God comrnandeth us to Meditate" on hts Precepts. §. 1 8. 3· Next heworketh by thefc upon the Paffions or affections: which fantafie having enflamed they violently urge the 1YiUand Rea[on; and this accGrding to the"na..r.urc of thepaffirm, whether fear or hope,forrow or joy, 1ove or hatred, dcfi_re, or averfation: but by none doth he work [o dangeroully as by Delight, and L•ve, and Defire of t~mgs fenfi~al. 9· 19· 4· Hence he proceedeth to mfcct the WiU ( upon the funple apprchcnfion of the under– fianding,) to make it inordinately cleave to the umpordl good, and to mgle{l its duty in command– ing the underftanding to meditate on preferving objells, and to call off the 1hougbts from t;,he for· bidden thing : lt neglecteth to rule the Thoughts and Paffions according to its office and na!Uial power. §. zo. 5· And fo he corrupttth the underjfaHdin~ it filf firfi toomit its duty, and then to entert~in deceit, and to approve of ev·il : And fo thefervaot IS put mto the Governmenr, and rhe cornmandmg powers do but ICrve it. R.eafon is blinded by fenjitality and paffioit, and becomes their fervant, and pleads their caufe. . 9· 21· By all this it appeartth, I. That Sa<ans firfi bait is ordinarily fome fenfible or imaginary good, fct up againfi true fpiritual good. 2· That his rir!l a!Tault of the Reafon and WiU, is 10 tempt them into aJluggijh ncgle[l andneutr:lliiy, to omit that rcftraint of Senfe, Thought and P~ffi.on, Which was their duty. 3· And that-lafily he remptcth them into actual comp.lyan_cc and~omrmru_ng of t.he fin : And herein r. The bait which oc ufeth with the u!ldcrjlandiilg IS fhll [ fome feemm]~ -•·- .; _ ~ 'l . 1mtb .