Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

1Jire8ions for a well grounded Faitb. m 9 6 Sometimes by his providence he withdraweth the matter of temptations: that they !hall. n~; b~ too jlrong for feeble fouls : But fometi"?" ~is Grace doth rna~e advantage of them all; and leave them for the magn·ifying of its frequent vu~lortes. . § 6 • Sometimes he giveth his caufe the maior vote among the people, fo that 1t !hall be a rnat;er ~f 'dilhonourable fingularity not to be a profef[e~Chriftian: and fomtime~ but exceeding rarely, it is fo with the lift of Godlineft and praffice of Chnfhamty alfo.. But ordznariiy ln the moll places of the world, Cuftom and the Multimde are agamfi h1m, and h1s grace IS honoured by p.reva1lmg againfi thefe bandt of Satan. : •. . . . 9· 66. 4 . He maketh his Minifi~rs his princip~IInjlrumentt, qualifying, difpofing and cal!mg them to his work, and helping them in tt> and profpermg ~t ~n then hands: 9· 67 • 5 • He maketh it the duty of every Chnfitan to do hiS part to· carry _on the work; and furniflJCth them with Love, and Compaffion, and Knowledge , and Zeal m thm fevfral meaCures. . . . §• 68. 6. He giveth a very firi& char!\e to Partnts todevote thetr Chtldrcn wtth themfelves to God· encouraging them wtth the promtfe of hiS acceptmg and blelling thetn, and commandeth them' to teach them the word of God with greatcfl diligence, and to bring them up in th,e nurture and fear of God. . 9- 6 9 • 7 • He giveth Princes and Magifirates their power, to promote his Kmgdom, and prote& his · fervams and e1o1courage the good, aod fupprcfs iniquity, and further the obedience of his Laws: ..! Though, in moft of the w~rld they t~rn his encmiu, and he carrieth on his work without then}, and againjt their cruel perft:cuung oppofiuon. 9· 70 • 8. His Light detecteth the nakednefs of the Devils caufe, and among the Sons of Light, it is odioU<, and a common jhame: And as wifdom i< jujlijied of her children, fo the Judgement of holy men condemning fin, doth much to keep it under in the world. . . §. 7'· SI· His providence ufually calleth the finner that he wlll do good to, mto the hofome and communion of his noly Church, and thefamiltar ·company and acquamtance of the Godly, who may help him by infiruCtion, affection and example. . 9· 72· ro. His providence fitteth all condition• to their good :but efpeetally helpeth them by fcafon– able quickning affiictiom. Thefc are the means which ordinarily he ufeth. But the powerful inward operations of his Spirit, give efficacy to them all. 'Tit. 2 . Temptatio11s to particular fi11S ; w.ith 1Jireilions for prefer'Vation anJ. fi\!medy. IN Chapter I· Part 2. I have opened the Temptations which hinder !inners from Converfion to God: I fhdl now proceed to thofe which draw men to particular fins. Here Satans A,-t is exer– fed 1. In fitting hi< baitt to his particular ufe: 2.ln applying them thereto. ~· 1. Tempt. r. "iht Dtvil jitteth hit Temptations to the finners age : "ihe fome bait if mtfi•itab/e "iempt. 1o to aU. Children be tempttth to rxcefs •f playfuUnefs, lying, difobedienct, unwiUing~tefi to learn the things that belong to thtir folvation, and a fe>ifilefnefs of the great concernmentt of their foult. He tempteth youth to wan.tonnefs, rudenefs, gulofity, unrulinefs, and fooHJh inconfiderateneji. In tbe beginning of manhood he temptcth to lujl, voluptuoufnefs and luxury; or if thefe to~ not, to dejignt of worldlinelS s1td ambition: 1he ttged he temptetb to covetoufnefi, and unmoveablenefs in tbeir error, and umet~ch· ablenefs and ohjiinacy in their ignor3nce and fin: 7'hm every age hatiJ its pecu/i,;r fiure. 9· 2· Direll. •· The Remedy againllthisis, I· To be dillintlly acquainted with the Temptations of p · _ your own age : and watch againll themwith a fpecial heedfullnefs and fear. 2· To know the fpecial ""'• n duties and advantageJ of your on'n age, and turn your thoughts wholly unto thofe. Scripture hath various preceprs for the various agtr: fiudy your own part. The young have more time to learn their duty, and lefs care and bufinefs to divert them: Let them therefore be taken up in obedient learning. The middle age hath moll vigor of body and mind, and therefore lhould do theil' mafiers work, with the greatefi vigor, activity and zeal. The Aged fh.ould have mofi judgement, and experience, and acquaintcdnefs with Death and Heaven : and therefore fhould teach [he younger both by word and holy life. 9· 3· Tempt. 2· 'lhe "iempter alfo jitteth hi< Temptations to mens feveral bodily tempm, ( as I 1'empt. z• jhewtd ~· 2 2• ) "ihe hot andjfrong he temptetb to lujl : "ihe fod •nd fearful to difcouragement and conti· nual fo/f-vtxations ; and to the l''ear of Men and Devils : Tho{e that have jfr01tg appetites , to Gl:tttony and Drmd(t'11neji: Childrm, and Womtn , and weak;:luaded people, to Pride of Apparel and trifliwr Complement : And ma{culine wic~d-unbelievert, toPride of Honour, Parts and Grandeur, a;:d to a~ ambitious feekjng of Rule and Greatnefi. "ihe meekand gentle he ttmptet!J to a yielrlingneji swto tbe perfwajionr and will of '"'"""' and tempting perfons: And thofe that are more jlifJ, lo a jluhborn refiflance of ~U that fhould do tbem f,OOd• He found it m'!f! fuitablt to tempt a Saul to tllalice, David by a fitrpnzc to lull , Abfolom to arnbttton , Peter td fearfulndS, andafter to compliance and djffi~ lllulation to avoid the offence and diJPleafure of .the wta/t: Luther to rafhmfs, Melanl%on to Q. fearfulneji