Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

11.1. Dirc{1.2. 1 TUn. 6. 9· Tempt. 4· Direll·4· 1empt. 5• 'DireElioils for ~ weU.grounded Faith. ---------------- fcarfulm.fs _; Carolofiadius to. nJJ{etled;tefl: llliricus to inordinate zeal, Oliander to feJf-efiee.m .' (ifHijluria;u h.rut given them their due ) : One Sbooe jittetb not every. foot· . ' ~· 4· Dirrli• 2· Let your firiCtdl watch be upon the jin1 of your temperature: Far greater di– ligeJJce and refolution is_here nc:ceffary, than againfl otl;ler fins. · And wirhdraw the fcwel) and fiti\•e again(\ the bodily diH<mpers thernfelves. F•!ling and labour will do much again!\ lull, which Idlemji, and fulncfs con<inually feed. And fo the rei\ have thtir fevtral · cures. Know alfo what good your temper doth give you fpecial advantage for : and let it be turned unto that and flill employed in it. • ' 9· 5· Tempt. 3· The Temptur fuiwb his TcmptationJ to yo~tr Ei\ates , of Pove,.ty ur Ricbu : TI-t. poor he tcmptctb to murmur and he impatient under their want I, and dijlrr{t thmifelves more witbgritfr andc~ru rand totbiJtk,.that..tbcir fufferings m!Jy five them n:ithout holimfl,and that necr.!Jary l~.Jhourfor their bodiu, may excufe them from much minding the concernments of tbeir fouls: And either to cen[ure an4 hate the Rich through envy, or to flatter them f(JY' gain. 1'he Rich he temptcth to ;m idle, time~wajting, voluptufJui,flejhf.y,bruitij}r life. To cxcefs in jleep,and mt.Jt, and drink._, and!port, a~d apparel)and cojllyWayef ?[pride, and idle difcourfe, and vifits, and comph:mentJ; to love the rre.Jlth and honOitrJ of the w~r!d, and live in. cominHtl/ pltafing of the ficfh, to fart delicioujly every da)~, and towajle their timt in Jtnprofitablt~ ·mJi rvr{hout ac01ljfant CaOing ; and to be ttnmerciful to tbe pD'.~r, and to tyrannize ever thtir inftriours. Prov. 30. 8, S>· Lukn6. , 9· 6. Dire[/. 3· Here alfo obfcrve regardfully where your danger lyeth, and thtre kc'ep a cominua! watcfi. Let the poor remember, that if they be not Rich in grace, it is long of then~feJvcs; and if they be, they have the chiefdl Riches, and have learnt in all dtates to be comcnt: And have great caufe to be thankful to God that thus helpeth them againfl the love and pleafurcs of the world, Let the Rich remember, that they have not le[s to do than the poor, bccau{C they h:1ve more corn~ rnitted to rheir truft; nor may they ever the more fatisfie the inordinate delires ot the tlefh : But they have·moreto do, and moredangers to fear and watch againfi,as they have more ofrheir MaHtrS Talents to employ, and give accounf for at the lafi. 9· 7· Tempt. 4· The Devil {uiteth his Temptations to mem daily work and bufincfs. lf it be low, to be afhamed of it through Pride; If it be high, tobe Proud of it : If it be hard, to be weary and un· faithful in it; or toma"-e it tak.f up ~ll their mindJ and time ; If it be about worldly lhings, he tempt• rththemto be taintedbyitwithawor!dlymind: If they labour for themfelves, hetempteth them to over·do : If for others, he tempteth them to deceitful unfaithful ne~ligwce and Jloth. Iftheyare Mini– ftcrs, he temptetb them to lie idle, and unfaithful, and fonfelc[s of the weight of truth, the worch cf foul.t) the bn.vity of time, that fo their fin may be the ruine or the lofi of many. IfRulers, tht. Devil ufet!J hi! utmo{t J/{ill, tocau[e them to efpoufe an intcrdl contrary to the intereH of truth and ho~ . liudS; . and to caft fomt q~earre.l ag~inft Chrift into their mind.t, aud to perjwadc tbem ~~~t his interdl Hagainfl.: theirs, and tbat hHflrvantl ar.e thei1""iemmiu.~ ; • ' 9· 8. Dirtl1. 4• See that your wor~ be lawful, and that God have C.iillcd you to it) and then take it as the fervice which he himfelf afiigneth to you, and do it as in his light, and as palfmg to his judgement, in obedience to his will: And mind not fo much whether it be bardor eafie, low or higb, as whether you are faitbfi,l in it. And if it be fanctitied to you, by your inrcnding all eo the pleafing ofGod, remember that he loveth and rewardeth dut fervant that fioopeth to the lt,wcft w~rk... at ijs command, as much as him that is employed in the highdl: Do all forGod, and walk in Holinef; with him, and keep out frl[i}hneji ( the poyfon of your Callings) and obfcrve·the proper danger of your places, and keep a conHant watch againfi them. · 9· 9· Tempt. 5• The Devil fi<ittth hi< Temptations to our fivera/ Relations : P3Icnts he tempteth to be cold and regardiejJ of the grtat worl<_ of a·wife andholy education ,,f their Children: Cbildren be tempt· eth to b1 difobedient, unrb.mliful, void .of natural aifeaion, unreverent dijhonourtrJ of their Parent! : Husbands he temp!tth to be unloving, unk,jnd, impatient with the weaJtmffes oftheir TJiivu, and JYivrs tobe pievijh, fllf-wiUed 1 pro"d, cl:Jmoro~«, ptffionate anddifobedient: Majlert br temptetb to ufe their j(rvanu only 1.11 tbeir Eeajl!, for their owit commrJdity, without any care nf tbrir falvation and Gods fcrvice :And jfrvant.t he tempteth to be carual, untrufty, fa/fe, jlothful 1 eye-{ervantJ, tbal ta"-c m~re care tobide a fault, thun not to commit it. MinijfcrJ and Magijlratts hetempteth toflek.. t/Jemfelvu, andnrgldltheir cbarge, and fit up their oJJ~n EndJ, injlead of .the co.mmon good:, or tomijlak._e the comm011good, or tl·e meanJ tbat tendeth to it. Subjects and People be ttmpteth to dijhonour a11d murmur ag,;i1ljl their Go· vernourJ, and to cenfure them unjJ~~jlly, and to difobey them, a11d rcbcU:, or elfe to hottour, and fear, and ferve them more tban God and againft God. ~· IO· Dircli·)· Here learn well the duties and d.mgerJ of your onm RciJtions; and remember that it is m:.~ch of your work to be faitbful and exctUent in~your RtlationJ. And mind not fo much what other men owe toyou, as what you owe toGod and tbem. Let M,~}feo, and Mim{fcrs, and M.1g,ijlratrJ firfi fiudy and..carcfutly prattife their owndtttiu, and yet they mufl next fee that their luftriourJ do their dutiu, becaufe that is their office : Bur theymull be more defirous that God be Jirfi fervcJ, and more careful to procure obedience: to him, than that they be hor.ourcd, or obtyed tbemfllvu. Childrcn,Servants and Subjects mufl be taken up in the well doing of their proper work: rernembring that their good or bHrt lyeth far more llpon that, than upon their fuperiours dealings with them, or ufage of them. As it is your own Body, and not your foperiours which your foul doth animate~ nourifh and ufe, and which you have the continual fen(eand charge of~ fo it is your own duty, and not your [uperiourt, which yoli have to do, and to • for, and therefore rnofl to mind and ,i•IP. of. ~· Il· Tempt.