Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

--------.------- -----·- ---· The Contents. CHAP. v. S.pecioJl Motives to per{wade mc,z to the holy Governmtl/1 of tbeir familiu, P· 5 J 2 C HAP. V I. lrlotivu /vr a bvly a11d c4rtjtel Ed~tcaJio~t ofCIJildrw. P• 5'5 CHAP. VII. The /t-[ytu:Jl DU1it1 of HwbilndJ and I>Yivu to· WrJrdJ tilth oth~r. p. 520. How to maintain due Conjugal Love : Of Adultery. Motive~ and MeanJ againjl dilfemion. Motive/ and mtans to further tJcb otbtrs falvation. Furtber dutitJ. CHAP. VIII. 'the JPeciJl dutiu of HtubPndl to their Wive~. P· 529 CHAP. I x. the H:t! in pr.:l)CT tim(, &c. Q TFbat tn do iil daugrr of life by tbe Pox t1r Lqro/ir, &c. Q__ll/hu may m.Jrr~v a.ft(r p11rtiuj! <-r dil.'Ol·cc. p. 539· Q.. b it /.m/ut to JUffo·, ya, or conlribl!te In the ~11nn·n fiu mattriJL'y of TYif.·, Child, Se~v.u!t, or other rclatiunJ : Jf/IJ£rc i1 rpeu– ed whut 11 m rur Porver to da a;,airJl fi 11 , a 1 :d rrhat no.t. p. 539· Q If a Ge1:tlema1J have a great•Ejfau by n:hicb he may dQ much'ood 1 and hi.1 .fl'ife he fo Prattd, Prodi[!.(Jl a11d pic.vi_p,, tbat if fhe may uot r1'"'jle it t~ll in burtfe k._etpiY.g and pride, ft~e JViU dye or f!Tow mad, or git·e bim n11 quictntjJ, 1Ybat H bi1 d1tty in jiJ jJd a c:~fc4 P· 542 CHAP. X. 1he DutieJ of Par£nU {or tiJCir Chifdrm. irhere are twenty JP(ci.Jt Dire[ii,;u fr.Jr their Educ&ri.. on. P· 543 CHAP. XI. 1he Dtttin ofCbildrM toward, their Pt.~rentJ. P•547 CHAP. XII. The fpeci.rl Duties of Children and Yo~t!h towardr G,d, p. 55> CHAP. XII I. The {pecial duty of Wivr~ to tbtir Hu1band1. · P·53l Q:. Hort) jllr may a Wife givt, without her H~Mba"d' Con{ent. Q. Of Wivu propriety. Qb • Wife guilty of her HUibai!JJ unlaivful gettDlg if jhe k,.e,,p it; And U fhe bound to reve11/ it, ( 01 in ,bbing ) ? Q May a Wife go bear Ser· momwhm her Htub.mdfrbiddetbher? QMufi TheDutiu uf SeruantJ to theirM.tjicu. a woman proceed to admtJHijh a rric~ed HUiband wl,en it maketb himworfe. Q Wbat fhe m'uJ/. do i" Controvil·ud Cafe! of Rtligim, when her P· 554 CHAP. XIV. judgrnunt and ber Htub.mds dijflro l'· 5'4· Tit. I· ihe Duty ofA1ajlirJ tQWJJ'dJ their s~n·JiltJ. Q How lv11g, or in wbqt Cll{r! may Hmb.Jitd1 . p. ~56 andWivu be ditlant. P· 53 5· Q MJy the bare Tit. 2. The Duty of Majlfrl toSlavu i11 tbe Plan· Comm:n:ds ~"f Prince! [ep:trate HtHbandJ and taliom. p. 557 JY:uei, (11f lvlht~{icrJ, JudgeJ,SouldierJ ). Q_M11y Q_1. Is it lawful for a Cbrijlia;t to bHy and zlje Minijlep leave tbeir Wwu togo abroad to preach a ma;z aJ a SIJ1Jt l the Go[p.t. Q_May one lt~ve a !Yife to Q2. Is it lawful to ufe izCbrijfi:liZ as a S/, 1 ve ? f~ve bi-1 life;,, cuj( of per{onal pcr[tcution or d1np. 5s8 gEr? QA.f.:~y Hu1ba;1drtnd JV1[e pmt bycon{em, f Q;. What difference mu{t we mak,c between a Serif they find it to be !_or the good of both l QM.1y / Xli.m t and ~ Sl.wc l , they con{ent to be dzvorud, and to m11rry otht11? Q.±· TYhat if men buy Negro 1 or other Slavu of Q. Dot11 4,dMtery diffolvt marria~e. Q. Is the ju(b JJ we may think., did flea/ tbem, or buy them iHjurcd pe~jim bound to divorce th( tltbcr, or lrft OJ R·1bberJ and TyraJIIJ, and not by Co;tflne? free? Q [I it the proper priviledge of the m•n p. 5<9 to put awaxan tJdulttrouJ ff/i[t,or iJ it alfo in the Q 5· May I not fiU fucb agai1J ai!d maJ.:..e :ny WIJmanJ power todtpart from a;z 11dulterour Hrumo;ry of them l band? Qh-lay tbere be putting away, or deQ.6. ftt .y I not return tbem to f,im th.:It I parting wzthoutthe M~giftrattJ divorce or licenfe? bougbt them ofl Q. I1 n~H SCid"my, and Bt~IJ!.rry aJ l.Jwful artafm 'of divorce aJ Adulttry. Q..Jf"hat ifboth partiu be adt~fteroU! ? Q.JYhat if one purpofoly commit adulury to _be {rparatedfrom t&e other; Q Doth L•fidelity diffolvt the rel..,ion ? Q_Dotb the de– Jertion of one party difobLtge the other? Q..Mujl a n1om 111 foYow tl mali!,nant Hmband tb.Jt gouh from tbe Mean1 of Grace l Q. Afu/1 jhe j0l 1 orv him, if it be but to poverty or beg_e,ary? Q What to do in cafe of k,'tow;z intention of one tQ mutder the other? Q_ Or if tbere be a fixed h:Jtrtd nf tacb other? Q_fYbat if a. man wiU not foffer bM IYifi to hear, read or pray; or do be111t her fo, tlf to unfit her for duty : or a rroma;: wiU rail at ~ CHAP. XV. The DJCtia of Cbildre;t and fe!!Jw {tru3ntJ to OiJt another. . p. 56 L CHAP. XVI. Dire8ions fi1rholy COJtj:.rC1fceoffel1·w firuants anrl othtrJ. p. 56z Q May we {peal(_ good tr>bm the Heart is rtot .Jf– fe8rd witb it l Q l1 tbat the fruit of tbe Spirit which Wt force ozer tonguu IQ? C HAP.