Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. CHAP. XVII. J)irr[/jnnl for· evtry member of the family how to JPtnd tvtry (ordinary) d•y ofthe IY«~· P· 565 C H A P. X VI II. J)irrlfion1 for the h"ly JPcndin~ of tht LorJ, D.,y , in familiu. J.Ybtthtr tbe 'n'hole d:Jy fhould be k,rpt h"ly ? P· 569. Tir. 2. More particul<lr Diremom fur the 0 1'dcr of holy dutits on that day. P· 572 CHAP. XIX. Dirdiions for profitable Heari11g G(}d.1w,.,d preach~ ed. P· 573 T.t. 2· DiretJions for Rtmtmbring wiJat you Ht,tr. . P· 575 Tit. 3· Direlliens for Holy Refolutions and Ajfe8ionJ in be:JdJtg. P· 576 Tit. 4• DirelJ.ionJ to bring wb11t we hear into pralfict. P· 577 Direlii011s for pturu. CHAP. xx. frJfitable Reading the holy Scri· \ P• 579 CHAP. XXI: Dire8io111 for Reading otber Book,!. p. 58o CHAP. XXI I. DirtmonJ for right Teaching Children and Servants f• as it moft lirtly to have{Kccefs. '[lu fumm of Cbrij!ian Rtligion. p. 582 CHAP. X XIII. Direaions for Praytr iH general. p. 587 A Scheme or brief Explication of t!Je Ex:~Cl Method ofthe LordJ Prayer. p. 590 Tir.2. Ca{tJ about Prayer. P·59 J, QI· [J tb~ LordJ Praytr to be .ufed as a form ofwordJ, or only M a Direlioryfi,r M.Jtttr and Method? Q2. Wffat need iJ there ofa»y ~thtr puyer, if thu be pfr· fe[l? Q 3· Is it lawful'" pray in a jit fern. of words? Q 4· Are thofe forms lawful rvhich are prtfcribcd by man, a>td not by God l Q.5 b [m prttying,(a/Jcd txtcmpor.Jtt, lawful ? Q 6. TYbiciJ Htbtbttter? 0.:.7· Mujtwe ever follow the Me– thod of tht L<>rds Pra;•rr? Q 8. Mu,1 we pray only wbeu tbe Spirit mr:~etb M, or tJ! Rea{on guidetiJUf? Q 9 . /Y[.Jy he pray for Grace r:pbo de– fircth it not ? Qro. May he pray that doubtttb of his intereft in G8d, and dart not c.1U him J:'a– t her a! hit Child ? Q..1 I. May a rrick._cd m.Jn. •pray, or Hhe ever aci:cpted? Qt2.M!Jy a wick.fd m~n ufe the Lords Prayfr? QI3· T1 it Idolatry, or fin alwayn to pray to .Saints or Angel1? Q_ r4· Mujlthe fame man pray ficretly, that b4th blfore pr<J_yed in hi1 f.Jmily? Q.. J 5· !1 it ~ejt M kfep {et h '"" for prayer ? Q r5. May we joyn I i1t family prayerswith ungodly pcr{o1JJ?Qt7 1Yhat \ iftht M"jler or [pe.k!r be ttngodly or a Herctick ' [ Q I 8. M.zy we pray abfdu!tly fur cutw3rd mer· tiff, or only comliti~WJ~Y? Q· 19· M,:y we prJy fur alJ th:tt n·e may lawfully defire? Q20· HorP may we pray for tbe /al:ntion of aO the rvorid? Q2 I· Or for tbt Conver(ion of aU N.JtionJ? Q..22· Ot tb:It a wiJoJe Kingdom m::y be con– verted and foved? Q 1: 3· Or fur the d(Jfruliion of the tJit'fniu 11[ Cbri;! , or the Killf,dJm ? Q24· fPhat i1 t 'J be jud!,cd of a p.micttlar j:tith? Q..25· lJ evtry I.Jnful prayer accepted? Q26. JYitb Jrhat faith mu;f I pray for the fouls or b:;din of others? Q27· TYitb what f.J.iih m;1y ~ we pray f or tin Continuan:e of the ChRrch or Goj"ptl. Q28. How to k_now when our pr:a)•trs are he~trd. Q.29· How t1 h.we fulnefs 111td con– Jfant Jupply of" mJtttr i~t onr prayrrJ. Q..3o.HI'W to k..erp up fervency in prayrr? Q3 I. M.1y wt lcok._ tofpud rv.-r the brttcr for a;ty thing in cJUr [.~!vu or (IUf ptoiJ•erJ? Or m.Jy wr f"d IJ.>Jy trufl in them? Q3 2· Howmu(t that perfwt and prayer' be r;;ulified wftich GtJd wW accept. ro P· 598 Tir. 3· Special Ditlliillnf fur ftJmily prayer. . ibid. Tit 4· Spt•ci..JJ Dire[/ions fvr fccrct prayer. P· 599 CHAP XX I V. Dircftio111 f rfr.~milies about the Sacramem of th~ Lord, Supper. p. 6oo lYhJt are the End1 ofthe Sacrament? Wh.zt are the PartJofit? Qr. SbouldnottheSacrJmenthave more prc,ar.Jti(JJt than the other parts ofr:varjhip? Q2· How.oftfhould it be adminijlrtd? Q,j. Mujt aUmembtrJ oftb~ vifible Chtt.rcb C'Jmmzmi– ctttt? 0:...4· !Yl,J) a;ry m.m receive it, thatk_1tow– eth .himjilj unfan[Jificd> Q5• May an ungodly man rtceive it, that Jtnorvetb 1tot bim{tlf to be 'mgcdl/ Q..6.Mujt a Cbri( receive who ddubt– rth of bis ji1rccrity? Q_. 7· ll'hat if Suptri:mrs CoJmpell adoubting CbrijliaJt to rtcc>ive it, by rx~ commu1ticaliM or imprifonment? TJib.ztjhJuld he cha'{c? Q 8. Ts r.ot tht C1z[e of an hypn_critUhat k,_no:vtth not him[tlftobe an byp~crite, and of th~ fmccre wiJoknnwrth not bi~tJJdj tn be {iltccrc, aU one, aJ to commu1zk:~tin~? Q9· Whereit~ l.ycth tbe fin of an 'tngtd/y perfwt if be receive? QIO. Dotb all msrv:Jttl~y recci:,i~:g mak.! one l;•aolt to d.Jmn.llilln? or- what? ..Q_ 11. JYb.3t ir tbe particular prrp.:zr.JtiOit nttdfut n a fit Com· munic,mt? p. 653· MJtkJ of'· ibid. Prcp.zring d:ttin. [fJ_ r. MJy wi receive from an ungodly Minijlcr? [}(_2.M.Jy we 'ommHnicate rvitb UJtrvortby perfom m an undifciplinfd Chflrcb? 92:, 3. WhtJt ifI caunot commnnic:Jte unltfi [c•Jn~ fiJrm 111 an impo[.:d gejfi~r~, psfitring,jla,zJjn~ or ~lfeeJiJtg ? -'2.:: if 1car.not rtccivt it, but as adminijlettd by tbe C:omf!ziJu Ptayfr? !!.:.:).If my confcience be not fotisfied, may I c~me doubting? Obj. Is it nM aduty to fo/Jow· colljcience a1 God$ Officer? JYhat tod, i1z the time of adminijlro~1 i. o,z? z. TYiJ:zt GractJ mujt ·be exe,cijed. 2. On what gbjrtrs? 3· The Sea[vn and Ocder ofS.Jcr..J– fn"tntal dHti?J. ad p.6,o (b) CHAP.