Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. li;~ Worjhip? P· 8e4 92.:_30· May an offi~e 1t~cbcr, or.Paftor be a~ o!:fe in the Jlatcd rcl.Jtzm of a I aftor, and a Dijoplt to fome other P.zjfor? • ibid · ~3 r. 1Yh' b,rh the pnvrr of mabJng CIJu"hCanons? P·805 .lt32· Dnth Baptifm "'ftch tntrr tht b>~tized iHto the·Vnwerfal Church, or mta a parttml;r ' Church, fir both? and is Baptifm t!Jr: particNlllrCh~rch-Coven:mt aJfuc~? 1hid. Q....Jj. Wlm/mTnfanufhouidbe Baptized, I IJ,Je a 11 {rrtr(d lrmg ago i1t a 1reau{eon that 5Hb;e8? ~ What Infants ft,..t!d be Baptized ? And wbobave right to S,;cramenll? A,td wbetl)(r Hy– pocritesareunivacaUy or qttivoc.JL'y Chrifti.:.mJ a11d Clmrch·mtmbcrJ, I bave refolued in my di{p:ct. of Ri,rht toS.:J.cramottJ. P· 8o6 ~3:. JVhrther ,an tcHhllptizcd pe:~n :r'ho yet rna– k.._eth apubli~ profiJlion of Chrt{fuJ1Jty be 4 mem– ber of the vifiblc Clmrch ? And f' of the Infonts of btlievcrs unb~ptiz:_d? ibtd'. .Q:.3 5· Is it cirt.Jin. by the tvord of God, that all l>t{aittJ b:zptfzcd, anddying bef(lrt allu~:Jl (In tiU zmdonbtedly favcd tor what !Jtf•mtJ m~y n:c [.Jy [o ofl P· 807 ff2. 36. TYhat is meant by this fpccch, tb,ft Bclicv· •crs m:d their Jetd are in tbe Co1:enant of God; rrbich givrtfJ them right toBaptifm l P· 8 J 2 ·~37· Are bciievtrJChildrw crrtainlyin Covenan! bctore their Bapti[m ; amltiJtreby in a }late of folv.2tion;, or not till they are baptized. p. 8 I 3 ~38. [; InfaHtJ title to Bapti[m and the Covtnant bcnefill givm them by God in hi1 Promifes upon tmyproptr moral condirion, or only upon the con– {iition of their natural relation : that thry be the feed of the faithful ' ibid. ~J9• JJ7bat ii the tr11e mttnting of Sponfors, (Pa– nirni ) or God Fathers, as wt eaU them; and1J it/awful to mak!ufeof tbtm? P· 814 G). 40. On wbofe accomlt or right is it that the ln7a.nt bath title to B:1pti[m and it1 btnejitJ l l1 it on the Parmtr, AncEjtorr, Spon{or1, the Chzrrchn, tbt Minijlers, tbe M,zgijlrater, or his oWIZ l P· 815 .lt4i· Aretbcy really baptized who are Baptized according to the Enp,fifo LiturgJe and Cano;rs, where the Parent{cunrtb exchuird, and thr{c t(J crmjim for the Infant who have no power to do it l P· 817 Q 42. But the great qucfti.on ir Hor:J tiJe Holy GhoU i1 given to lnf,;~tJ in B lptifm, and wbe– tiJer all the Chi!drrn of true Chrijli.Jni ha:,~e i1t– ward fanUif}oing gruce l Or whether they can be faid to kc j"Jiificd and to be in a }late of{itl– vation, tiJ.Jt arc nut inherently f:~nfJified l and rvhctbcr anyj.Jllfrom this Infant ftate oj falvati– on? p.817 .lt43· lJ tbe right cf tbc Baptizd ( Infonts 01 ad11lt) to the {sznftifying operations of the Holy Ghoflnow Abfolu<e > or fufpcnded on fur– ther condirions? And are the Parents further dury fur their Children fuch conditions of tiJeir Cbildrtnr rccrptirm of the a8ual affi(lancu of tbe fpirit l or Ar:.- Childrens own aCbons Jitclt con~ ditims l and Nlay Apoflatc Puents forfeit the Covuun1 benefits to tbl·ir bptized Infanu or not l p. 821 f2: 4+· Dotb B;ptifm alrvays oblige & at the prefenr, arid give grace at the prefmt, lmd i1 the gr,;c~ wlliciJ is 1111t givm till afar; giVe~~ by baptif>~, or~~~ cjfc/1 rf bJptifnl p. 823 fiL 45· ·JJTfiat is apr~pcr viol.1tio1t of our Bapti{mal Covenant? ~· 824 £t. 46. ·A1ay not b,tptif m in fomc c1{c1 be rrpeatrd, And n·heu? ibid• ~<(1. 47· Ir b,ptifm by Lv me11 or women lmful in cajr11!f nccc.!Jity? or arc tht)' nu!iitiu, aid tbe pcr[i11f t~ be rcbaptize.l. p. So 5 ~48. May A~tabJptijls: '.Jt IJ.JVI! no other rrrour, be per'mittcil in Church G,mnmu1sim l p. 8~6 .lt 49• May one offet bit Chrld to beboptized, with rhe fign tf tbc Crofi l or tbl! ufe cf Chrifmr, the wbite garmm.t, milk, and honey or Ex1rci[mr tH among the LuthrraJu, who tak..,cth thefe to be un– lawfnl thin;s l . ibid. .Q:. 50· Whence came the antient univer~l Cuftome of Anoi11ting at baprifm, and puttilfg on a wl1ite garment d'?td tJjlin;, milk,. .and bot:ey; and l.Vhe– ther they are l.Jr:rfu.l tiJ U6l p. 827 ..Q.. 51· 1-Vbethcr it be ;tcccffJ.ry that tbcy th.1.t ~Jre bapt.izrd in irt{.Jitcy, dJ folMmfy at age rtview and own thtir bptifinal C.1Vcnant bifore they bve ri;,ht to the jbre avd privi!tdger of Adrtlt membEr J ? ar.d if thry do 1101, Jf'hether thi!y are tobe nttmbrcd rvith Cbrijfi.Jns or Ap:JjlateJ? ... P· 8a7 .Q.:_ 52~ Whether tlu V;tiverfal Chmcb coJtfift o11ly uf particular Cburche1 and thti,. members .? P· 828 .Q:.53· Mujl tbe P41orfirft eaU the CbNrch, a>td ag– gre7,att them to himfilf) or the Cburch firjf Cmgrc~ gate tbemfilvts und then cboofi the Pajlor ? P· 819 .Q:_ 51· Wherein doth a pmicular Chu"h of Cbrijt differ [ro171 a con[oci~tio1J of Churchu? ibid. ~55· JYbether a partiwlar Church may conftjl of mort Affemblics Jb.Jn om ? or mrijlmeds meet aU in one placl!? ibid. .Q:.56. It a11y form of Church-Government if Vivil-e I 1/iitution ? P• 830 ~57· TYintiJer anJfurmeJ c{Chtucbel and Church~ Goverttmem or t~ny JWV Cburcb-flffic:rs t'!UJ l~rv· fuUy be i;tVen!cd ,lJid made by m.s t ? p. 83 2 0 58. l?'IJt'th(r any p.1rt of tbe prnper Pafturat or --iipi[cop.:lpJwer.m tybegivenordepmed to a Lo,v man, or to o1:e nf any orher nffice; or tbcir prora n>orl(. m•y be perjmntd by ji<Cb' P• 839 ~59· M.J.y a l..Jy m.JJt Pre,;c) or CX{Nrmd the Scri– fture r ? or wh.Jt .if tbis is proper to the Pajlf1Yr' P· 8,j.o Q_6o. What i1 tht tme fenfe of tbc dijlin[/iolt of J:'aftoralpowcr in fOro inttriore & cxteriorc, ri~htly ufed' ibid. ~61. ln Wh,.J.t fwfe is it true tbJt fume fay tlut ,he Magijlrat' only h:Jth the cxtdnal Go– vcrnmenr rJf the Cburch) and the Pa{tor the In~ ternal. p 841 R:,.62. Is tbe try.Jl, judgement, or c!mfent of the Laity nectffary to the admittance of a memb<r into theuniverjJl orparticular Church? ibid. ~~3· W'h.Jt p~n>er h3Vl the people in Cbttrch CcnJura and Ex~omm1mic.Jtion? P· 842 ~64 1YIJat i1 the peoplu remuiy in cafl of the f.J(foo m.1/e~ad:cninijlration? ibid. ~6;. May one be a Pajt r or a member of a par– ticttl!fr