Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

ThC!J.Contems. . · The•Contents of the Ecclef.iafhcal Cafes of Confcience added to rhe Third Parr.· ·~ :> Q. 1 HO.w.. to Jt11aw wiJich H the true- Chti~ch ca11 ~~ necrffary tO it 1 p. 793 among all pt~tenderJ, that a Chrijfian1 9!.:. rg. lf:hercj., confiflltb tbe power and ttat,ure ·of Confcienct may be quiet i~z hU ReJation and corn~ Ordiii..tfion? and To whom dotb it belong .< qnd1 1 munion? P· 771 it aH a{l QjjurifdiDion land I! impojiJion ofhandt Q2 • Whtther we mufl cjletm tht Church of Rome nwjfaij in it l p, 794 a true Chxi-cb.? And iu what ·fence fome PY.otf.· 9{: 20. [, ordiuation nec!ffary tg mJk_e a .. man a jhmt Diuimu JJjfirm it, and folflt deny it? P·114 Paflor of a particular Church as Jl'!~/;. ? 8nd !.t <2.:_3. lf'hfiiJtr we mujl taJte the R.omijh Clfrgie for ht to be made a General Miniftcr, and a particua trtte Miniftry? P· 775 far Ckurcb-Elder or Paflor at once 1 aNd at one OrQ:.. 4· it be nrcejfar.Y tobelieve that the Pope dinatj,on,l p. 795 H the Antichrift l P· ?.77 .Q:_21. Mayam.zn beoft,,or twiceordai;,ed lp.796 Q:_ 5· 1Yhuher we muft hold that a Papift may be ~ 22. How many ordainetJ are nc.:effary to the va- {aved? · p. 778 lidi.ty gf ,OrdinatioH by Chrifts Inftirution, Wbc- ' Q 6. Whether thofe that are in the Ch~trcb o[R~me tber one or more l . p. 798 . are bound (tJ fiprJratc frtJm it ? And whether tt be £t. 23~ IYhat if one Bij11op QrdaiJt a Min{fler and lawful to .g_o.~ te their Mafs or Clther worfo.~?! tbru or m,any or all the rifl protcjt againjl it, and ~ , ' .; · p. 719 declare him no MiJtiftcr or t/cgr.:de him 1 is.he to be Q: 7· Whethet t~e true caUing of the Minijler by Orreceived a1 a true Minijftr ornot l ibid. "' dination liT Elellilm be necr.ff.sry to the tffence ·of ~ 2 4· Hath a Bijhop por:vtr by divine right to or- . t~e Church.~: -ibid. dain) de1.rdd~ orf>OV.trn, txcommu'lticate or abfulve QS. Whtther{t1tctre faith amJtGod/incp be necif in anothcr Diocejsor CbU'rch; titht:r by hil confent, • fary to the being Jf the Miniftry l And RFhether or agai1Jjf it? And d"tb aMinijler tbat nffici~tcth 1~t be ldlwfu_lto ht4r a wick.._e6 man> or tak,_e tbe Sa1 in another~ Church, all a1 a Paftor; .tnd their cramentftom him> or taJte him far a Minifter l PtJftor ; or tZJ a private man (And dJtb hi 1 Mip. 780 nlfl~rit~l "ffice cea[e wben a man removeth from hi1 Q9· JYhetber the peoplt are boHnd to receive or 1 forcl{.l p. 799 CQfffont to an ungodly intolerable heretical Pafhr> ~25. 1Ybether Canom be Larn 1 and PaftorJ have (yea or (ltff far ltflfit and n rthy t_han a comfetia L rgijl,1tivepower? p. 8oo tor) if tbe Magiftratt command tt, or the Bi/hop I ~26. Churcb·caJ:tms ~r Pafton direliivt impQjt him l P•781 detcrmmattons of matter; pcrtlJJCHt tothtit Office, Q_xo. TYhat if the Magiftrate comman_d the people I dobiitd the Conf~i.nce, and wb.;.t accideniJ wiU difto receive one Pajlor ; and the Bijhop or , OrobLienhe peop!e ; you m.1v J?,atber before in the daintrJ another, Jvhicb of tht'ln mujt be obeyed? fame .~.ifr about Magijlratr:. · L.Jrvt> in the Politit P· 787 ea! Di}elfionJ : A1 alfo by an impartial tranfQ 1I· Whetbt_r a~ uniJtterrHpted focceffioJ~ ei_th~r firring the cafe to tbe prtr.epts of Parcnt 1 and ef right Ordmatton or of co~tvey.mce by ;urifdlScbod-mt~jferJ l!l Children without refpeCl to their [lion, be necrJJary to the being of the Miniftry, or power uf the Rod ( or ji1ppn[mg that tf 1 ey had of a I(Ue Ch~rcb ? P· 787 HOite [ud~ l) p. 8c2 Q_J2· 1f'bctlurtherebc or everwM foch a thin~ ~27· 1Vh"at are Chrijis appoimed means of tbe in the world> M one Catholic'<_Church conftituud by Vnity and Concord Qf the Vniverfol Church, and any bead befules or tmder Chrijf l P· 789 confeqtmttly of its pre[ervarion, if there be no hu~ Q 1 3· 1f'bcther tbere be {uch a thing M a vifi~le mane Vniver(al Het~d and Govemour of it upm Catholick.._Church> a11d what it H ~ ib1~. Earth l A1:d if Cbriff hatb iufiitutcd 11one fuch, Q:.. 14 , 1Yhat lJ it that makctb a vijible member of whether prudence and the Law of N.:tture eblige - the univerfol Churcb, and rvho are to be accounted •tot the Clnuch t~ {et up a11d mab:t.;in an ur.iVl'rfucb l P· 790 fa! Ecclefiajlical MoH.frchy or Arijlocracy; fceinz Q 1 5· 1Ybethcr brjides tbeprofiffion of Ch iflianity, \ that n.bicb i1 every ma'JJ n:ork._> iJ nt~ m 11111 , a:ul either ttftimony or evidence of C0'1Vtrjio. .r praomittedby aUl p. 8o 2 [tical Godlinrji be ncctjJITy toprove a m.J; "'1~1emI ~ 2 8. 1J11,, is tbe Jud;t,t of coltlrovtrfin in the berof the V~tivtrfal vifible Church ? ibtd. Church l J, Aba1tt the Exp,fition of the ScriQx6. 1Yhatis Hccrffary to a mant l"cccpti,)n inttJ pturfJand 'EilliriJialpoint;inthemfelvtJ.2, Abc:tt m'emhrrjhip in a partiwlar Church, over and either Htrtfies or wick..,qi- praliicu, as thry are above this }orcfaid titlt l 1Y1JCtber any othtr trycbarged on the pCtfons who arc accufed of tbem : a/1, or Covenant or 1?hat l p. 79 I l'hat is> r. AmecedtHtly to our praOic~, by v;ay ~17. Whereindotb the Mini{ferial office EffentiaUy of regulation. 2. Or co;ifi_qumtly by j1tdicial confifll p. 792 {entcncc ( and exccmion ) on offeuder1 l p. 803 ~z8. T:Yhcther the petJplu choice or co1t{ent is ne- ~ 29· Whether a Parents power over hiJ Children, ceffary to the office nf a Minijlcrin hi1jirjf- work.,, or a Pajiors or many Pajlot! m· Bijhap 1 our the \ as he i1 to com1ert lnfideiJ and Baptize thtm l fame Children as partJ nf their fiocl<f, be greater> Ar.d whether Ibis be a worft nf affice, a11d what or more obliging in m,uurs of Rffigion and pt!b- . lick_