Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. TOME IY. Chrifhan Poliricks. CHAP. r. ·G Enersl Dirdlions for all Vpright Lift. P·' The m']l paffed by on nccrffary rrajimr. CHAP. 11. A few brief Memor<1nda to l~ulcrs, for the intcrtft of Chrijl, thr Church ond mrnr jalvotiooJ. p. 5 CHAP. Ill. Dirrlii~111 to Subjtl1t concuning tiJtir duty to Ru– lert. P•9• Oftl;tNarureandCaM{et ofGovern~ ment. Mr. Richard Hookers EcclefilHica] Po– licy aJ it it for Pflpularit.y, examined aHd con– fitted. DireDims fur obtdienct. Duty toRultrt. Q. h the !vl:;gijlrate Jttdge in Controver[its Qj' faith or wor{hip? p. 20. Q 2. M•y the Oath ofSnpremacy be l•wfully tak!n , in .which the King is proxounccd S~tpreo~m Govcrnour, in t~U <:;auftJ as well. a1 Civil l V• 20. Q.3• Doth 110t tbii give the Pajlors power to the lv/a!liflrate? Q, 4·Hatb the King power •fChurch D;_{cipline aHd Excammun.ication l Q5.1fKings and Bi/hopr differ, which mu]/ he abryed? Qlr he cb1iged tofujfer, who it 1101 obliged to obey? p. 25· Of admonition of Jtulcrr. Q.,.Wbe– tber tiJt found Authort o[ Pvliticf<! be ogainjl A·frn.Jrcby f Q2. Jrhetbtr Civilians be again(1 it l Q3. Art Hiftnrians again{l: it l Gr!e~, RomaH, or Chrijlian l Q:A· lf'bahcr Athens, Rome, •AriHntle, Philujophcr;, Acadcmitt bt againft itJ Q 5· Are Divintl and Church difci– pline agai11jl it? Q 6. lt Scriptur< •dCl>rij/i– a~tity agaiJtft it? Ohjt{liMtJ anfwcrcd. Q Are Papijft, Prtlatiftt and PuritanJ againJf it l Bil· fon and A.ndr(:WS Vindication rf the Puri~a.,n1 : Chrijlia11ity i1 the greatcjl help to Govtrmrmt.t: Further Dirdii.~nJ. Tir. 2· Q Wbrther ma111 LawJ bind the CQnfci– wcc? ~TI it t1 fin to brea~ every Laa> {If man? Mort, fuCy anJrrmd._ P· 3<', 37 CHAP. I v. ' Tir£tricns to LtJn")'erJ about thdr Dttty to God. .p. >9 ' CHAP. v. 1he r:u;y of Pbyficionr. P·43 CHAP. V. I. ·- .. "' J:'ircl1ion1 tq Scb:olmafleTJ abctll their dmirs f(}T' j Childrent foul!. CHAP. VH. Dircl1i!J11J' for Souldiers about their duty in paint of Confcimce. (, Nobler, JHdgu anti Jujlicer, art paft by, lrjl they takt Counfel for injury ). F• 46 CHAP. VIII• Advice againft Murdrr. p. 50• 7.'he Caufa ofit. Wart , Tyranny, m.tlign<~nt plr{ecuzi~g fur)'· Vnrighteous j.,dgemmt, opprrffion and uncbari– tablencjf, Robbery, TYrath, Guilt and Shame, Malice and RevtnKt, wick.,rd Impatience,. Covt– l~ufnejs, Ambition, &c. "[be Greamefi of tiJt ji11• The Confequenu. Tit. 2· Ativice a~ainff Selfmurder. The Cattfet to be avoided, Me/ancbolJ•, worl4Jy trouble: di[co1f– tmt, pa{/ion, &c. p. 54· BejiderGluttony, Tip· littg and Id!cnrfi, tbt great Murderers. CHHP. IX. Dirtllio111 for tbe f orgiving of injuria andcnt· miu, Agd,i.nft wrath, malice, revenge and perfe~ cution. PraCtical Dircl1iont· Curing Confide· ratio1u, 7wemy, p. 56 CHA P. x. CafeJ rcfo/vcd t~bout forgi-:-'in:, wrongr, and ~ebtr, and. about Jilf de/wet, and fiekJ•s our Right, by Larv or otlurwifo. P· 61 Q:.Jf7hat injuries art we found to[lffgive, Ncg. t~nd .Ajjir. r<Jolved. Q2. What ir the mtani>!g of M<tth. 5· 38, &c. Rtfift not evil, but wh,ifQever flJitiJ Jmiu tbtt, ~ p.~ Q. 3· Am I hotmd to (1rgi z•e annt1ur if he Mk.. mt not for~ivencfr? Lpkc.r7•3 , &c. p. 6+ ~ 4· 1I it l.ut'ful to {ue anotber at La:v l 1 Cor. 6. 7· . 9(: 5• 11 i~ lapful to dife.nd our livu Or tjla(ts , t11J,aiHft a Robber, Mttrdtrer, or Ullju}i Invader by force nf Ar~~ ? . ~6. !; it l:Jrvf ul to tak.e arvay anotherI life in dejtlfding my pu>fi.or cjlate only? p. 65 ~ 7· May n·e kJU or wound anothtr in defet;ct or t.<indicatim flf OJtr honour or good name l p.66 CHAP. XI• Spcci.zl fJireiliQni to c{capt the gttilt nf prrfecuti~ on : J)[·tcrmini11g much of tht Cafe a/;o1tt. Librr~ ry in, matter~ oj R.tJigion. p. 67. JYIMt iJ }fr'~ fecutiun. 1J:.C fcvcral k}r.d1 oj it. 1'he grfatnr{t (c j of