Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contems. - of the fin. Vndcrf/•~td tbe Cafe ofCh,iftt in– tcrtft in the r¥Jorld. -'2:., 1Yhttbcr particular Churches jhould require mort of their membtrJ a1 Condition/ ofCommtmion, tha11 the Ga,PolicJt Church? and What? Pmalties to be cbofin tb.;t hinder the G1jpel leaft. More DircllioJ!I~ to the ltHmbtr of forty one. Cbild, or Servam tal(e more th.zu a Cruel Hsa· band, PareJtt , or Maficr Jotb aUorv? ( M.Jy Cbi.'dren forfa~r: thtir Parmu far {ucb Cruelty;. ~9· May I tak_e what tt man furf:iu:th ptm}ly ? ~ 10. What ifI refolve wbm I tak._e a thin,., in nrceffity tn m,afr...e {atiJfatlion if ever I be :blc. R:_ i 1• What if I k,.JtoW not wbethcr tbe Owner would conflnt > .\t_ 12• May ltal;_e in ie41from afrirnd, withapurpn[t torrjlure it. ~ 13.May I_ not takt from <~mother to prevent hi1 hurting htmfelf. .\t I4· May I tai(y away Cardt, Jlicc, Play-b.ok.f, Papijl·book.f by which be would burt hi1 foul. .Q_ I 5• May 1tOt a /1-l.Jgiftrate talzube Subjd)J good! n•hen it is1ttcrff.zry to thrif 1)-a.•~ prefervation ? ft. t6. blily I tak,_e from an ;r~'tr for a holyufe? p. Ic9, &c. CHAP. X I I. Vire,liionJ againft Scandal aJ Givtn. p. 8o. What Scandal i1, and what "ot? 1'beforts of fcan· dalizing. The StriJ>IIire flnfe of it. Twtnty DirtlJionJ. CHAP. XIII. Virtllionr againft Scondal tak,_rn, or an aptntfs to Ttctive hurt by the word1 or deeds of fJtbtrs ; E[pe· tiJUy quamViHg "'itb Godlintji. p. 88. or taking tJ/ccurJ.gement to fin• Pr11tlical DirellionJ againff takiitg hurt hy otherJ. P· 90 CHAP. XIV. Direl1i0111 againjl foul-murder and partakjng •f · otber rmus fins. P· 92 1he flvtral "'ayu of dej/royiHg [ou/J. Ho"' we art t~Ot guilty of other mtnl fin and ruine. CHAP. XV. Gtntral Direaiont for furthering tht j.lvation of othm. P· 95 CHAP. XVI. CHAP. XIX. GeNeral DitelJicnJ, and p<~rticular Ca{t1 o[Confci.. t1tce, t1bout Contr•ltJ in J!.tneral, and about Buying and frUi~tg, borrowing and lending, and .V fury in particul:zr. p. 1 I 3 TJt, I. General Dirttiionr agaivft injurious b;ugsining and comra[if, ibid. Tir. 2· Ca[eJ about Juflice in Comralls. p. 114. .\l2:. I· Mu(! I in aU Cafet do at I would be done by l ~ 2. Is a Son hound by the Comra[is wbicb Parmts or G11ardi:znr made for him i1t hif Inf,mcy? .Q.. 3. Is one obliged by a Comra{] made in igno– rance or miftake ofthe matter? ~ 4• Doth the contrall of a ma11 drun~, or in P*ffion or me/ancho1y bind him ? Q. 5· May another hold foch a oneto his contr.Jl1, er ifhe give or play away bit mqmy ? Q6. Am I Dbliged by ~grd1 without S/ecial Virellio11s for holy Coufire~tce, E:cbortation aCovelfaJttillg intmt ? andReproof. Q 7• May I promife a Robber m~nty to my Tit. I. Motivu to holy Conftrnue tiHd ExhortaLift, or to fave a greater commodity ? ti011. p. 97 Q 8. May I give monty to aJudge or MrJgiftratt Tir. 2. Virel1ions to Chriftian edifying difco•rfe., 'o hire him to dome juftice, and not to, wrong me, p. 1 oo or not to perfecutt me ? Tit.~· Special Dirtl1iont for ExhD'Ialiont and Q9. If I ma~e fuch a contr•[/, maj -\he M•gi• Rtp,.. f,. p. IDI gift;.,. ""-' it •f me? Q. ID· If I promife monty 10 an OJ!im or Robber under a force, om I bmnd to pay iJ when the necr!Jity is over ? •So of otbrr conflrained pro– mifu. CHAP. XVII. DirelJiuvs for l{ttpirtg Piace with aU men. How the Proud do hinder P·eatt. ~ 1r1any more Caufes and c,,., opened. p. I03 CHAP. XVIII. Direliions againft aV Theft, fraud or i11ju~-iout get– ting; ·Jt.!cping or defiring thtzt which ii tmorliet..s. P· I O] T~t. 2· C.:~fes of Conflience _about TIH:{t and fuch injHties ? ~ r. lJ it fin to flea/ to"fove onts lift l ~z. May I tJJr_e th•t which-'anotlm it bou11d iogivt mt, and will11ot? .\t3· May I ~,a~ my onm from an unju}f borrower or pnffeffor, if . I cannot sthtrwife get it ? .Q.:_ 4· May I recover my qwn by force from him tb:~t tak,_rtb it by force from me? ~·5·lrlay we tal{e from the Ric_h to relieve the poor? .\t 6. Ifht havefo mHch as that be witl not mifi it, m&) I tak( fame? ~7·May HPt one plucJ.t tars of Corn sr an Apple from a 1ret, &c. ~8.M•f•Wife, Q I I. May I promife a Tbief or Briht·tak._er 10 . 'conceal him, andmu]! I l;_ap that promife > Q:.' rz. Muj! I k'<p~ promiji "'hich I"'"' dra:vil into by deceit? Q..13. It it a Covtn.Jm when neitMr of the ccu.. tral1ingparties unJcrfi•nd racb otbtr ? Q I 4· Mu_fl I ]land toa bargain made for me by a ji.itnd or fervom, to my injury? ·Q I 5· If I j.y I will give one tins or that, am I bound to give it him ? <lt_r6. Dvtb a mental promift not uttered cblige? .l t • Q.I~. May I promi/t to do a thing jimply un– lawful, without a purpo{e to perform it, IJ fave mylife? . Q:. 18. May any thing othrrwife unl:~wful become ad;tty upiJH apromi{t to do it ? Q.. 19. May he that prcmijtd for o reward to pro· mote anotbers fin, t'a~e the rrw,mi .vhtn be bath Jontit?