Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

• The Contents. [peciaLJJ•oung tm{etltd ApprtntictJ, into the tem– ptativltJ of an In{ldtl, or Popip, Countrt)', mttrly toget Riclu 1 M Nlerch.Jnll dl) ? P· 13 ' 9{: 2. /vltJ.y <~. Mcrcham or Emboff:Jdcur leave bis TJ7ife, tolive abroad? p. 132 ..Q:..3. lJ itl~wjul fur )'Oung Gmtlemen to travail into otbcr Kinf.d"ms, at p.1r1 of their ed11cation? Thr.d,;nf,tr of Common Travcfing. P· 133 Virttri11n1 fur o/1 thcJC TraveUcr; in their abode abroad. P· 13 5 CHAP. xx. ltlGtives aud Dirdikns agaiiift Opprtffinn. 1'he forts of it. 3:/Jt grearmji of the jilt of Opprrffion. "l}Je Cu,c. P· 137 Tir. 2. CaJes about Oppreffion, tJpeciaUy of 'tenants. P· I4o .Q:. I • Is it l.rr>ful to buy land of a liberal Land.. lJrd, wbrn the b.,y,·r muft necd1 [e1 it dusrer than . tbt Seller did l ~2. M.1y o1u tal(,e .u mucb for his Land .11 it is worth? ~3· MJy he raife his Rwu 1 -'(.4· How much below the full wor1!J m•ft a Land– tor.</fit his Land 1 ~ 5· ·May nota Landlordtb.Jt i1in debt, orhatb a payment to pay, raijt hiJ RnttJ to psy it l Q 6. ,Jf I can1tot relieve the honcji poor, tr?itbuut raifinf!. the Rent of Tenants sbat are wurthy of lefs chtJrity, muy I do it l Q· 7. May I pmally raifc. a 'tenants Rent, or turn hi. m nttt, becaufe be U a b:Jd m.:m ? Q. 8. M ')' rme tak._e houfe or Land J.""Pbile another U i.IJ{it l Q9. M l:Y <1 rich m:m put out bH 'lmanll 1o ltJy tbe Land! tobH own dcmefnes ? ~10. Ma)'one 1enam have divers TenementJ l Q:..1 I. !vlry om bave divers Trade~ l Q_ 12. Or ksrpjhopt iu jtvcral Markp Towns. CHAP. XXI. CafeJ and Direfrions "bout Prodig12lity and fin/HI waftc. What it i1 1 p. I<J.3· Waycs of finful wa{le. Q I· Are aU men boundJo fare alik.,e ? Or what is rxcefl? Q:.. 2. IP'bat eo{/ on vifits and entcrtainmentJ iJ laro– f•l? ( WIJtiiJcr the gteatcfl good. is jliU to be preferred 1) · Q 3· What is tXitfs in buildings? Q 4-· Moy -we Hot in lmilding, d]it , &c. be at fome chargefor Ollr relight, M wtU IH /111" Nectf!ity j Q 5· TJ?Imt arr Recreation! too cojlly l Q_6. WIJtn is Apparel too cojlly 1 Q 7· Wben iJ li...etinue, f'ur~titure and other pomp tuo cojlly l !!2c 8. When is Honfe·k,ctping toocojlly l RY· Trhen art Cbildrtns Portions too great ? .Q:.1o. I-iiJW far i1frugaLity in[mall mtJtttrJ aduty 1 ~ 1 I· Mujt all l:.1bour iH a CaUing l ..Q_ I 2, M11y one defire to increafe andgrow rich? .Q:_ J3· Can or.c beprodigal i11 giving to the Church l ~1 4• May ont i!,iVt too much to the pt~or l ~ 1 5· NJ,,y the Rich lay out on ctmvtnitnceJ, pomp or plta[ure, wbtn multitudu ~re in deep mctf {ltiti l DireliionJ ~gainjf Prodi.go~liry. CHAP. XXII. Ca[r1 and Dite!JirmJ sgainft injurictiS Law fi,itJ, _witmffingand judgement. P·I48 Ttr. I· Cafu of Confcienct about Law {uitJ and proceeding 1. .Q... I. 1Yhtn iJ it Lanfiil to goto LrJw l ~ 2. Mr.Jy I Sue ap1ur ma;tfl!r a Debt or ~trefPafl? ~ 3· May I Sue aSurety whofe interl{l was not concerned iu the debt? t · ~4· M•yiSutfortheVfe of Money? ~ 5· MoyLswSuitJheufedtiJVtxondhumble a 1: in{olent bad man l ~ 6. May a rich man u[t biJ frintds and pur[e to bear duwn a poor man that bath a bad ctu<fo l £_7. May one nfe{uch forms in Law Suits (Dt– cl:~ratJonJ, .An[wers, &c.) aJ art f11l[e, according to the propet finfe of the words i' !f<:. 8. May aguiltyptr{.mplead Nut guilty l .Q:_ 9· Is aman bound to accufe himfit[, and offir bim{tlf to j11jlict l ~ I o. M.1y a r:;imr[s volttntarily freak that truth, whichM k;zoweth willbtiUrrfcdl .Q:_ I I. M.1y a witnrfi CDJtctal part of the trtlth? .Q.:_ 12. M11jf a Judge or Jury proceed fccundum o~llegara & probata, whc:n they l{now 1 rhe wi!– ncfs ro be falfe or the Caufe bad, but canmt evince it ? Tir 2. Dirc{lions againjl tht{< fins. p. I 50• The evil of ""jnji Suirs. The tvil of fltfc: witncfs. 'Ihe tvil of11nj•UI judgtmtnts. 'tht Curt. p. I 50 C HAP. XXIII. Cafu of Confcience and Ditrtrio1u againft bacl{_· biting, Slandtring and Evil jptakjng. p. 152 Tu.,, Q I· MaywenotfPt3k_ t<•il •f 1hat r.hich i1 evil? ~ 2 • M•y not tbe contrary be finful filmet and bt• friendi~tz mtnJ fins ? !!<:._3· Wbat if Religiouurcdible pcrfons rrport it? !!<:.4· lfl maynDI{ptak_it, may I nothelievnhem l Q:_5. May we nor [pe.:rk,. illt{ opw ptfjcetHorJ ~r cnemin of Godlinejs? ~6. JVh.1t if it bt ent w_IJo[e rrputation eoHHtt· n.mceth bis ill Caufl, omd biJ drfama.lion R"OU/d dif •ble him ? !!). 7· if I may not mal(e a true Narrative of mat· · ttrJ of [all, buwmay we t~~rilt trttt HijlorieJ /Of p"}lerity 1 .Q:. 8. Wh•t if it be ant tlsat bath bftn oft admo- •ifhed l !!2.:_9· Or one that 1 caHnot[pea~ to, face to face. ~ 1 o. In n:hat Csfisma} wt open onothers faults l £_ II. What if I btar men praift t/Jt r.icksd, or their jinJ? Tit 2. DireliionJ 11gainft bac~·biting, jl.mdcring and evil fpeaj,jng. P· 154 Tir. 3· 'the grw evilofthefifin!• p. 155 CHAP. XX IV• Cafls of, ttnd Dirtlii·JHJ agaiuft Cenforioufocji, ·and finfi<l jud~ing. P· I 57 Tit. l· Cafes. Q.I· Am InotbUJmdtojudgttru{y tf tvery one tu be i1 f