Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. ..((,_2· How far may we judge iU of o•e by outward appearance, a1face, gejlure, &c. 92:_3· How far may we cen[ure M the report of ' otherr? tt~Jture aJtd evil of the ji11 ; and the Cttrc~ ibid. CHAP. XXVII. ~4· Doth not the fifth Command bind "' to judge Caji1and Di>cl1ion1 for Loving our Neighbour! as hettcr of Partntl and Princu than tbfir li.vCJ our felvu. p. t68 declaretbem tobe l T it. I• The Caflt. .Q._r. Hn:v mufti Love &nother ~5· Whom muft we judge ji1lCCTt and !Joly C!Jri· aJ my /elf; in der,ree, or k,jnd;ot only reality ~ jtians? -'L 2· What i1 the true nature of Love to my [elf R.:_.6• [J it not a fin to err, and tak$ a for and othtrJ? /letter tiJ.m he i1 ? .Q:.3 · If Ptont muft be Lo;~ul above their worth, hu'W .Q:. 7 • Whom mujt Itw/{! for a vifible Churcb memdrJtb God Jovefinners? ber ? . . Q 4· Muft I /we all in degree aJ mirch a1 my filf? &._8. WhommuftI j•dge airs« Worjhipper ofGod? -'?.:_~· Mujiiiove any motr tban myfilf? !'). 9 . JVhicb mujl 1 tak! for a trttt Church? ~6. Afu{l Llove other mens !Yift, Children, &c. .![_ 10 • lfl~1 mmuft we judge tme PrJpbtll, and true hwer than my owJt, rvhcn tbry srr better l Paflm of the Church? . p.I 5~ .Q,. 7· Who iJthJt Neighbour wbom I mujl lovr as Tir. 2. Vireuionsfor the Cure of finful Cen[orzoujmy fllf l ·nrfr. P• •59 ,.-'2:_8. ·. Mujl we Love and p>·ay for .Antichrijl, and Tit. 3• Tbe evil of t!Jtjin of Cmf.~rioufneJl. P· 160 thof<tbat fin ag,inj! the Holy Gl"jl? Tit. 4 . Direliians for thofe that art rajhty cenforrd ..Q:.9• !rlujl tpt 1tot btJtt Gods enemieJ? byothers ? P· J 62 ~J o. M.1y I not wijh /J;d·t ttJ another more t!Jan to my Jil' ? p. 168 CHAP. XXV. Cafes 11nd DirellWn1 11hout Trufi:s and Secrets ? P• 163 Tit. 3· 'fht Cafu. lLt. Hm> m•fl "''not put our 1rujl in man l 1f<.... 2- Wbom tochmifefor a'frujl ? -CL 3· TrbtN may Icommit a{tcret toanother .P Q 4· Mujl I ~c_,.p af'crer when I am trujlcd with it, b~tt promife it not.? .£Z:_ 5· if a fecrel be rtvealetl ttJ me, witbuut Jefire to conctal .it .? _ . lL6· What if it be againft the King or State? !2_7. What if it b.e ag•injltht good of a third per– j;n? .Q;_8. Wbat if a man in Debt do trHj! hi1 Eftate rvitb me to difraud bh CrtdiltJrs I ~9· 1Yb.1t if a dtlinqutnt inmJjl hi1 P_er{on or Ejfate wirh me tojtmre it from penalty l £!.;,.. 1 o. IV'aat if afriend entruft his Eft ate witb me, tofecure itfrom]Omegreat 'ltJXt! to the Kingl ~I I • What if a man that fujfereth for Religion commit his perfon or Ejlate tomy trujl ? 0. 12· If a Papijl or trroneom prr{rm entrufl me to Educate hi1 Children in his trrour when he is de.~d, Ibeing rf b;s mi11d, mujt I perform it n·hen lam bttlfr inf~Jrmed? .Q;_ •3· What if one turnP•pift, &c. after another bath committed hi1 CJ,Udtm lo him? .Q,_ 14 M1~l I wrong my Ejlate to [atiJfie a dying jrimd in takhzg a trujl ? -'2:_ 1 5· TVIM if after, the truft provt more to my hurt tha11 I could forefce? lL•6· IV!Jat ifhecajl thctrujl on me, witbaut my prnmifi toaccept it ? Q__ 1 7· M~y I not <>[t my [elf of a truft of Or– ph,.wu, by ca{liitg it en the furviving kjndred, if tluy c.Jlu:nni;te me as unfaithful ? Tic. 2 . Direllioi:l abaut 1'rujls and Secret! ? P· t66 CHAP. XXVI. Di,IJio"' agair.jl S .E L FISHN E SS ., it lJ cm:rilt) to tht lot•e of 011r Neighb!JHro 1be Tir. 2. Direllionr to Lovt 011r NeigbbJUrr as our _fclvtJ. . , P·'7' T>t. 3· 'fbe Rofon! ani/ M1tivu of Love to 6ur Ntigbbour. ibid. CHAP. XX VIII." Cafe! of and Dire1Jion1 for the Love •f God/y ptr• fans aJ firch. p. 173 1 Tir. 1he Ca[e1. .Q.: I· HFw can we love theGodly, whm none can another to be fincere ! ~2. Mujl wt Lor~e them a1 Godly that give no ac· count of the time, manner, or mea1t1 of their Colt– verfion? ~3 · What if tbey arc {o ignorant th3t tbey ~now nul wb4t faith, repr~ztance, converfion, &c• are ? ' .Q,. 4· Muft l ta~e the Vifible mtmbm ofthe Church for trH/y Godly ! .Q,. 5• Muft we take aU vifib/e member! equaCy to l>e Godly and Lovrly ? .Q:.6. Mu{l welove aU eqtuUy,jlrong andweal<_, that {eem fine~:rt ? fl...J. Muft we f,,ve tbo[t better that haue 'mftcb grace aJtd little uflful gi[u, or thofe tbat bdllt lrfi grace and ""'' profiuble gi[t1 for fhe Ch11rcb ? .!2:_8~ Muft wtlovebim d1 Gorily wbo liveth iillfHj heinomfin l -'2:_9· Mujl an Excommmricate perfon be Loved as Godly, or not l .((,_!0· Cau an unfaniJified man trwly Love • · Godly man? ~ JJ, Can he lovebim becaufe htiJ Godly ? . .Q,_ 12. May he love a Godly man beeaufe bt woulrl mak._e him Godly ? .((,_13· Dotb •nj filch love the Godly more than vthcrs? lL '4• Do aU trsle Chrijliani love aU the Godly tlm rvro11g them,ord.iJfcr(run thl·m ? R.:.f5· · What i1 'hat love of tbe Godly which provetb our fincerit)•, snd wbicb no Hypocrite can reach to? ' Tit. 2· DilffriOM! for true Tf111ing t!J< Cbildmt of God. p. 176 Tit-3-