Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

The Contents. Tit. 3· fl.lutivrJ or Meditative helps to Love rbe Godly? p. 177 Tit. 4· TIJt hi1tduancu and oumin of Chrifti<~n Lov1', P· Jj8 Tit. 5· 1he Counterfeits of Cbri{li.zn Love. P· 179 Tit. 6. Ca[tJ and Direllions f or lmimtJU jpccial (rimdJ. p. 1 So ~ 1. !J it lawful to have an earneft dcfire to be loved kY other J : E[pecialiy by fome one above aU othri'J? ~2· Is it lawful, meet or defirable, to entertain t h.1t extraordinary affellion to any, which i1 called ~ f"riend(hip? or toh(tvt one endeared inti· mattfriend, ahom weprefer before all other~ ? 12.:J• TJ it meet to have more bo[ume fricndJ th.m one? -'L4· lJ it meafor him to ciJoofe any other bo{ome 'jriend, that h~rh a pioiH I.Yifi l and is any[o fit fur tbi1 frie~tdjhip ar a IYifi l ~ 5· lJ it meet to Love afriemJ for our own oom– modity ! Mufl I or my friend be the chief end of nry Loveor friendjhip ? .Q.,_ 6. Moy we k!•P anyfecm from [uch a frimd ! or have any JH[picion of him,· or [uppo[e tbat he may prnz:e unfaithful ? ·--------------~--~~< .Q:.3. IYbat particular good rrork,_.r jhru!d om chot{r at thittimc, tbat would b,jj improu hi.r majltrJ /lt>Cl(J • ' ~4· In what order muft we do good work.f, apd who mu(! be prcfemd! Q )• [J it better to give in lift time or etdeatiJ ! , i2.:..,6. and 7· .M.v(t wt devote a certain proportion of our incomes l ar.d what prrpr:rtio1t? A Letttr· to Mr. Gougt on that quqlion. p. 192 Tir. 2• Direllim.1 for work.,r of Ch.rrity ( befi(Jt"s·' t/.oofe Tom. I· Ch. 3·) p. 199 CHAP. xxxr. Cafes. and Dirdiionl ~bout Crmfiffing fins and jn~ )Hrtts tn otberJ, Tu. J• lh~ CajC1. p. 201 ~ I. ff/hen m11jf lre confefi wrong1 to thofe th.Jt we h!J1Jt JlfrO»J!,td l .Q.2. What wiU t>Icufe ur f,omfi"h Confcf!iom l .g, 3· Mufl I COJif<jJ a purpofi of i•jury which was nrvcr execHtcd? .Q,4. When muj1 fins agai•fl God bt ~'nJtJfcd to men? Tir. 2. The Dire{iio}(J for j•ft "nftf!ing fin t' othcf!. p. 202 Q._7. May "'e change an old bofome frimd for a new one! CH A P. X XX I l. .Q,_8. What' Love is due to a Minijl<r that h"h bew the mfan1oj my Convtrfion.? CafcJ and Direllions about {atilja{)ion and Refti- !JL9· Wh~t is the fin and danger of Loving amther \ . ttttion. p. 203 toomuch? T 1t. I· 'ilu Cafes. .!2:..r. IJ7bt i1 Satisfaliion 9!.:.1o. fYh.Jtmuftbetbe£?..r.!..~iifications of a bo[ome W!JatReftitutio1t,tvtdwben ad 11 tj•l .Q.:.TYbj frimd > d,d they rejlorc fourfold by the Lar.> ofMofcs ! T'rvent)' thing.r necrffary to jicch friendj1Jip; [o .!Z.:_ 2· Hor, f ar is SatiJ[amon and Rtjiitutian m~ rarr arpr11vt it rare; ~ crffary l . - Direc.1ienJ f or tht right ufe of fpcci11l friendQ:.3. W!Jo ~re bound tomak.. .t it ? ]hip. p 1 84 .!?:, 4· To whom mujl it be nudt? I ~5· WIMt Refhtutio1J is tobe made f or dijhonoHr· CHAp, XX I X. '"'gR1dcrsor Paretzts l .Q.6 How mufl SatiJfa[ii,n bt made for Slanders Cafes dnd Dire[/ionJ for Laving Enemiu and doing and Ly:1 l them good ( befide wbat iJ [aid before Chap. 9· l !2.:_7. A11d for tempting others to fin, and hurting of for~iving thtm.) • po189 j theirfoul1 ! Tit. r, .Q:. 1. ff"hom mufl I accozsm and Love ar -!2.: 8. Andfor A1Hrder or M.Jnjl.mgbter .< an EnemJ'• I !<._;;. It a Murde~er bo:md to offer himfilf to .Q,_2. Why and h'w muft a11 Enemy be loved? • ju{lie<? .ft.3· Mujf I defire God to forgi'De him rvhile be 1 ~ 10. Or to do rxccutiou on him{elfl repcwe;h not.? . . 1.{[! r. What SatiJfallion is te be made by a For- ~ 4· If 'hat if be he my Enemy for Rehgton, and meator or Adulurer? JO an Enemy toGod I l2.:,.12. In what cafes i1 a man cxcufid from S.J- .Q:..;. IJ'bat if my b.tmjitJ mableand embolden him I liJfaliio? an~ Rt/tit~ti J~? . ~ to do hurt l ~ 13. IPh.:t 1{ Rr{lttrttlQn ,,g coft the Reftorcr ~6. May I nnt hurl 1n Enemy i1t my own Dei moretba1ztbe_tbing iJ worth? frnce~ and wijh bim 01 m11ch hurt as 1 may do · 12.:. 14. lf'hat if confi!fing a[Jult wiUt!trn tbe r.:Nt bim ? tf the injuredperfon again{/ me to my ruim? b ..Q:7. !v!uft Ki~1and States Love their Emmi~J l p. 203 How tlwzj/JaU tbeymak._e TY-ar? Tit. 2· The Dircl1io1ujor Praf1ice. p. 2 c6 Tit. 2. Motivcs to L.Jve and do good to EnrmitJ l • Tir. 3· DirelJions for the prafrice. p. r87 CHAP. XXXII[. p. 188 CHAP. xxx. Cafes and DirellionJ about worl:.,J: of Cbaritr• P· 189 Tit. 1• The Cafcs. ~1· Tf/hat arc the Ground1 and MotivtJ ofgood wurlv l .Q,_ 2. Whac i• a good worJt wbieh God bath pr,. • mi.fcd toreward l Cafes and Direllion1 about our obtaining pardon from God. p. 2c6 T ir. 1. The Cafrs. .Q._t. Ir there Pardon to be h.1d far aUfin withour exceptiml ? .Q.;_ 2· What if one oft commit the fame hcinoM fin? .((..3. I1 tht day if Grace and Pmltm rvcr paft i11 tbiJ life?