Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

§. 23 , DiaB. 11 . But this.preten~e is.compounded of wic~dnrfi.and madnt:J!· What but a wic~ul Virell. II· heart can make it fo h.zrd a rh1ng to hve 1n the Loveof God and hol1nefs, and m the hopes and fiek,}ng of eternal life? \•\'hy 010Uld not this be a fweerer and pleafantcr life, than drinking, and roaring, and ~aming,and fooling away time in vain; o~ than the enjoying of all the ~elig?ts .of the ~eih? The:e's nothing but a lick dil\empeted heart againfi Jt, that naufearcth that wh1ch m Jt felf IS mofi dehghtfut. when Grace hath changed your hearts, it will be eafie. Do you riot fee that others c_an hold on in' it? and would not be as they were for all the world? And why may not you> God Will help you: It is the Office of Chrifi and the Spirit to help you : Your encourag~ments are i9nu_merable. The hardnefs is mofl at tirfi: It is the longer the eafier. But w.hat if it were hard? Is it not neceffary? Is Hell eafier, and to be preferred before it> And will not Heaven pay for all your_coil and labour> Will you fit down in defperation, and refolve to Ier your falvation go, upon fuch filly bug-bear words as thefc? y. 24· Tempt. 12· Nrxt tht Devil! endeavour will he, ttJ,find tiJem {o _much employ1tlcnt. with_1empt. 12· wJrldly caru, or IHJftJ, or bufinifi, that they jhaUfind no Jci[utt to;Qt jerl611.f about the fot:mg of -•luir Jimlr ? §. 25· Direl1. I'Z· But this is a fnate, though fr~quently prcva~cnt, J'et fo irration1l, and againfi fo Direfr. 12· many warnings and witndfes, even of all men tn the world Cither hrfl or bll, at convcrfion, or at death, that he who after all this, will neglect his God and his [a!vation, becaufe he hath worldly things (O mind, iswou hy to be turned over to his choice, and have no better help or portion in the hour of his necefiity and diflrcfs. Ofthis fin! have fpoken afterward Chap. 4· Part. 6. y. 26. Tempt. 13. Lejl 1ht foul {hould bt cpnverted, the Drvil n·iU do aU ihat IJC ca;1 to k,eep yott from Tempt. 13• tbe acquaintana a11d company 1Jf thoft JPhofo bolintfi aud i1tjlruflion1 miJ!.bl convince and jfrengthen yot!; and efpe~.iJ.~) {rf.lm a lively convincing Miniftcr, and to caft you tmder fome dead bearted Minifter andSociety. y. 27- Diret/. 13. Therefore, if it be poilib!e, though ir be to your!ofs orinconvenience in the Diri/1. 13• world, live under a fcarching heavenly Teacher, and in the comp1ny of them that- are refolved for Heaven! It is a dead heart indeed that feeleth not the need of fuch affitlance, and is not the better for it when they have it. Ifever you be fair for Heaven, and like to be converted, it will be amoug fuch helps as thefe. y. 28. Tempt. 14- Bu1 pm of the ftrollgeft '1emp,tati011s of Satall, is by .maltJng tbeir fin exceedi~t!, Tempt. r4• p_leafant to them; for the gain, or honottr, or flejhly {ati4fatlion ; and {o encreafing tbe violence of t!Jtir {tnji1al appetite and lujf, and makJng them {o much in Love with their fin, tha~ they cannot leave it: Lil{e 'I he tbirjt of a man in a burning Feavor, whir.h mak,u him cry for cold drink._, though it would kJll him, the fury of thr appetite conqurring reafon. So we[te many dru;tl<!, f()'fnic3tort, worldlingJ, that ore fo deeply in Luve with thei.r fin, that cdme on it what will, they will h.we it, though they have Hell 'll'itbit. y. 29• Diret/. 14• Againfl this Temptation I defire you to read what I have faid after C1Jap. 4: Dirttf• 14• Part. 7· & Chap. 3· Dire/1. 6. & 8. 0 that poor finncrs knew what it is that they fo much Love! Is rhe pleafing of the flefh fo fw<et a thing to you >·and are you fo indifferent to God and holy things ? Are thefe kfs amiable > Do you forefee what both will be at lafi? Will your fin fecm better than Chrifl, and Grace, and Heaven, when you are dying> 0 be not fo in Love with damning folly, and the pleaCure of a Beafl? as for it to dcfpife the heavenly wifdom and delights! y. 30· Tempt. 1 5· Another great 1emptatim i1, the prlljferity of the wicl<..ed in tbiJ life; mtd the rr~ '1rmpt. 1 5• proach and[ujferi11g which u[waUy faUs ufon tfJC godly : I[God didjlrik.,e every 11otoriousjinner dead in tht place, a; foon aJ he bad finned( or jfruc~ him blind, ol' dumb, or lame, 9r inj1ifJedpreflntly {ome focb judgement, then_maH)'would fear him, and f()rbear their fin: But when they fee nomw pt()[pcr fu much '" the moft ungodly, and that they are the pcrftcutorJ ofthe holy feed, and that {tnttnce againft an evil worJti1 111t [peedily executed, thw are their h1art1 fa in them to d, evil, Ecdef. 8. 1 1. y. 31· Dirttl. 15· But alas, how fhort is the profpcrity of the wicked! Read Pfal. 73· & 37; Delay VireQ. 1 5, is noforgivenefs : They fiay but till the Afiize: And will that tempt you to do as they? How unthankfully do !inners deal with with God ! If he fhould kill you and plague you, that ·would not pleafe you: And yet if he forbear you, you are emboldened by it in your fin. Thus his patience is turned again!\ him : But the flroke will be the heavier when it falls ! Doll thou think thofe mm will alwayes flourifh! Will they alway domineer and revell! will they alwayes dwell in the houfes where they now dwell, and poffefs thole Llnds, and be honoured and (erved as now they are! 0 how quickly and how dreadfully will the cafe be changed with them ! 0 could you but forefec now what faces they will have, and what heavy hearts, and with what bitter exclamations thty will at lall cry out again!\ themfelves, for all their folly, and wifi1 that they had never been deceived by profperity; but rather had the portion ofa Lar.arm! If you faw how they arebut fatted for the O,ughter, and in what adolorous mifery their wealth, and fport, and honours will leave them, you would lament their cafe , and think fo great a defiruCbon were foon enough , and not defire to b'e partners in their lot! ?· 3_2· Tempt. r6. _Another tempwion is, their own prof~erity : They tbinfi..God when he profpereth Tempt. ri. them, H not [o angry wJth them 01 Preacbrr.r teUthem : And tt H a very hard thmg m bealtb and proJPtriJy to lay to heart either fin or threatningi, and to haveJuch ferion; lively thoughtJ of the life to come, at mm that are wal<..em.d by adverjiry have: and JpeciaUy men thllt are f(lmi/iar with death. Profperity i1 the greateft_ temptauon to{tcurity, and delaying repentance, andputting off preparation for eternity Overcome pro[pmty, and Y'" overc"'" your greateft foare. · /