Baxter - BJ1441 B3 1673

Temptations lvhic/, /,inder Co111Jerjion, lVith their 7Jis-;;,~/i;;;. -- ------------ TliNU. J6.. ~-33· Dirtlf. 16. Go into the Sanduary, yca,gointorhc Church·yard, and feerbcEnd: And Se:· ~'Y Snmoa JUdge by thore Skulls. and Bones, and dull, if you cannot judge by the fore-warnings of God what ~~t~·/:~:1 !~· profperiry is! Judge by th~ expe~ien~e of.all_ the worl~ I Doth it not leave them all jn forrow ;t laft ~ 11Jr Vain Kli- \Vo to the man thar bath h1s portiOn m th1s hfc. 0 mJferable health, and wealth, and honour:. which ;_,'o: o/ rht prccureth the dl:Hh, and fharne, .rnd utter deflruCtiori of the fOul ! Was not he in as profprrous a cafe F()iit'al H;po· as yc-u, Luk_~ t 6. that qutckly cryed mH in vain, for a .drop of water to cool his Tongue? There is ut<'. none of you fo f<nflefs as not to know that yoU mutl: dye? And mufi you rlyc? Mufi you certainly dye I and n,.l! that day be no better prepared for> Shall prefent profpcrity make you forger it, and ltve as 1f you mull livc: here for ever? Do you make fo great difference between that which U, and 'hat nbicb 1rill be? as to make as great a matter of it as otherJ, when it comcr; and to make no more of it when ir is but coming ? 0 man, what is an inch of hally time! How quickly is it gone? Thou art going hence aplcr, and almofi gone! Doth God give thee the mercy of a few dayes or years of health to m:ti{C all thy preparations in for eternity, and doth this mercy turn to thy deceit, and dolt thou turn it Co much .cont.rary to the ends for whith .ic was givm the.e? Wilt thou fi.1rfeic on Me 1 ·cy, a-nd dtfiroy thy foul wHh tt? Senfe £eeleth and perceTveth what mw 1-1, but thou hafi Reafon to furej(e what n,·iU be? ·wilt tho~ play in HarveH, and forget the WintLr? · l ' 17 . \1' • 34· Tempt. 17. AJtotlur great TemptatioJZ to!Jiuder Conver{ion, is the example a;rdcotmttnance of GrtJt Oms t!JJt are rmgQdly; wben LaJZdlordJ and meu in powEr are ftnfi!al) aitd enemiu to a holy lifr, a11d [peuk._ reproachfully ofit, their infiriottrs by the ,·cvtrcJtce n·hich th!!J bear to worldly wealth andgreat– ncfs, are eafily drJn•n to f;y aJ tbcy: A/fo, wbm me;z reputed LcJr11ed and TVift, ai'c of another mi 11 d: andcJPecia~'>• t"";Jbm fi,btife CJtemin [peak._ reproach againft it, whicb tl1e) c,mnot a;ljwrr. DirrD. 17. 9· 35· Dire[/. 17· To this I fpake in the end of the ft,j/ Pan of this Chapter. No mm is fo o1eat and w1fe as God. See whether he fay as they do in his word I The greateft that provoke him 0 cln no !\)Ore fave thernfcl\o·es from his vengeance, than the pooreft beggars ! What work made he with a PIHr.Jah! and got himfLif a name by his hard heattednefs aCJd jrnpenitency? He can fend Worms to eat an arrogant Her(!d 1 when the people cry him up as a God! Where arc now the C.efarr and Ale;.:– ar.'dcu ofthe world: The Rulers and Pharifces believed not in Chrilt; Joh;t 7· 48. Wilt not thou therefore believe in him~ The Governour of the Coumrey condemned him to dye; and wilt thou condemn him? 1be K;ng,s of tiJe eartb flt them[ehi'e!, and tbe Rulers t<rk._e cmmfll together againjf tbe Lordaud bis anoimed, [t)'ing, let JM break._ their bandr afimdcr, and oajf aw.ry tbeir cotdJ from Uf; PC1l. 2. 2, 3· Wilt thou therefore joyn in the Confpiracy? When be tbat fittetb iu the flcavmJjlt,1D laugb:, tbe Lord jiJall b.1vc tbem in deri/ion---He will btt!ak._ them· witb an irrm rod, and dajh tlum ii~ piun lilz.e a. Potters Vtffel, unle_fs they. be wife, and~ kjjjthe Sun, and fCrve the Lord rvit h { b,?[nre hu wratb be k,J1tdlrd ar.tFtbcy pcrjfh, Pial. 2· 4) 9) w, It, 12· n thy Landlord or Great ones fhnll be thy God, and be honoured and obeyed before God <~ncl :1gainil him, rrul1 to them, and call on them in the hour of thy difltefs, and take fuch a taJvation as tluy can give thee: Teach not God what choice w make, and whom to reveal his myH:eries to: He: choofcth not alwayes the Learned Scribe, nor the mighty man : Cluifi hirofelf faith, Matrl1. 1 J, 2 5· I thank.. t!He 0 Futht,., Lord. ofHeaven and ne;l(l Mr. Boi- J!.artb, bccaufe tbou bJjf bid thrfe tbingJ from tbe rvifc and prudent, an:! hJjl tC'l'C.1hd tbrm tob.zbcs: to .'1 .'\flizc Even [o F.ubcr; j;r {o it ftemcd gtJQd i;t thy ftglu 1 It' this reafon [atistie you nor, follow them, and Sctn.Jon en fpa:d as they. Jt' they are Gre.ncTand 1Yifer than God, let them be )'Our Gods, 1 Cor. 1. 26. Tou 1 Cor. 1. 16 · ji:e your caliiug bow tbat not many wife men after the ficp,, not ma1!y migbty, nut m:my noble are caUed: but Gcd luth chofm thefoolijh tbingJ oftbe world toconfonnd the wifi ; aud G1Jd /J;Jth chofen tbe we:Jk._thin11r of the rrorld toco}ffound tbe tbings that are mighty ; aild b,1je thiugs of the world> and thing.r tb':Jt are d;– jpifcd bath God chofiu~ andthiHgJtb.Jt arc not, to briHg to1Mtght tbingJ th# m·e. It is another kind of Greatm{s,Houom·and' TYifdomwhichGodbefloweth on the poorc!l Saints, than the world cm give; Worldlings will fhortly be aweary of their portion: In your B:tptifin you renounced the world wich itspomp! and vanit)!: and now do you deitie, what you then detied ? 1.'empt. x8· 9· 36. Temp. 18. Another Temptation i1 to draw on the finmr iHtofi~cb a cujiom iufm) and lo11g mgltll of the means of hU ~ec&very, tillhi1 Heart Uutterly H:udenc~. . _ Di"[l. J8. §. 37· Dire[/. 18. Agamf\ thisread after Cbap. 4· PaN. 2· agamf\ Hudnefs of Heart. Tempt. 19· 9, 3~· Temp. 19· 'Ano1bcr 'temptation is) to Dday Repentance , aHd purpo[e to du it here" after. Dirr{.i. 19. 9· 39· Dirdl. I9· Of this I entreat you to read the tn<~:ny ':-eafons which I have given to fiume and waken delayers, in my BookofDircllirms for a found Converhon. 7'~mpt. 20. §. 40. Tempt. 20. T!Jc worjt of all is, to tempt them to flat unbe/ief of Scripture ur1d the life DireU. zc. Tempt. 2 I· Dire[{. 2I• Tempt. 22• to come. 9· 4'· Dirr[r. 2C· Againfi this read here CbJP• 3· Dir. 1. Chap. 4• Part. I· and my Treatifc againfi Inhdelity. 9. 42· Temp. 21· Jf th~y will need; laok.f after Grace, "e wiU th aU be C.Jit todeceive tbcm n·itb t"1fll;. terfeiu, and mak,.! them tal{§ a feeming half co;wer(tou for a [aving change. . 9· 43· Direli. 2 I· Of this read my DitcBiom for found Converfio;;) and the Formallf:ypocr:tr, and Saints Rcft, Part. 3· c. 10• 9· 44· TLrnp. 21· If he cannot mak,r them fiat lnfideli, he will tempt them to qmjlio;z and C:JHii'aditl the fluff of all thofo 1exts ofScripture wbich are u{ed to coJtv~nce them, a1zd all thofe do{ltims which gra!e moft upon their galled confcienceJ; aJ of the Nece!Jity o[Regemratirm, the fen·nrfr Qj them that are f.:z:,·ed, the difficulty offalva_rion, tbe tormtnts of Hell, the neceffity of mortificatimz~ and tbe fi~tfulncf!. of:zllP· 1r– ticula>' ji;u: 1'/tey ~ill hearkpt R~h.:zt Cavillers C::m[zy for (J11) jiH, and again,li .li~Y p.:rt ofGodlmejs; m1d ,.iJb thi< thty rrilfnllydelude tlmnfe!t·er. 9· 45'