Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

pfriGual Pee and G u1 C nfo 't. Saints, whodare fay to a wicked unbeliever, Defire riot Faith : Dif ré not to leave thy wicke rr% : Defire not Grace, or Chrtfl, or God t and that will proclaim abroad the world (as I have oft heard them with zealous reproaches,', that our Minifters are Legalif,s Seducers,Ignorant of the Mytrcries of the (o pel, becauufe- they perfwade poor finners to pray for Faith,Grace and Chrill ; that is,to Define thefe.,and to cxpreís their Defines ; which in of ea is to per- fwade them to Repent, Fcliev4 and turn to God; Indeed if thele blind Seducers h<,.d ever heard our. Minifters perfwading wicked men to Diffemble and he to Coy., and a k Faith, Grace and Chri[F with their ton; Ines, but not Desire them in their hearts, then had they fufficient grounds for. their reviling language (but I have been too long on this) I may thereforeboldly cQi nclude, that they that find ther;t- felves unbelievers, that is, unwilling to have Chriil toJ deliverthem from ir,,mull ufe this fecond Means to get faith, evenearne,t frequent Prayer for it to God, ,. Let filth alto fee that they avoid wicked fçdu- cing companyand occafions of fin : and be lure that they keep company with men. fearing God, efpecially ïoyning with them in their holy duties. 4. Laflly,Let fuch be lure that they ufe that Reafon which God bath given them, to confider frequently, retiredly, ferioufly of the vanity of all thofe tiring that deal away their hearts fromChrifl ; and of the excellency ofHolinels, and how bleffed a (late it is to have nothing in uc in heart or life that is difplea- fng to od,bur to be h; th as he tai eth full delight in;alfo of the certainty of the damnationof unbelie- vers, and the intloiierablenefs dtineir torrncuts nd G 2