Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

5 2 ljireElions forgetting and keeping ofthe certaintyandunconceivable greatnefs of Be- lievers everlafling Happinefs, 1f wicked unbe- lievers would but dowhat they can in daily, fendus, deep confidering of them things, and the like, they would have no caufe todespair of obtaining Faith and Sanctification. Believing is a Rational A5 Cod bids younot to Believe anythingwithout Rea- fon, nor to Accept, or Confent to any thingwithout full Reafon to caufeyou toconfent. Think then of- ten and foberly of thole Reafons that fhould move you to Confent,and of the vanityofthefe that hinder you from Confenting, and this is Godsway for you toobtain Faith or Confent. Remember then that when you have underflood and improvedGeneral grounds ofComfort (nay be- fore you can come to any full improvement of them,) your next bufinefs is toBelieve : to Confent to the Match with Chrifl, and to take him for your Lord and Saviour : And this Duty mull be lookt to and performed, before you look after Special Com- fort. But I faid fomewhat ofthis before under the fixth Head, and therefore will fay no more now.