Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. DIRECTION X. 53 to. When you have gone thus far, your Soul is fate, and youare pall your great& Dangers, though yet you are notpaff your Fears Your next work therefore for Peace and Comfort is this, To review and take Notice ofyour own Faith, and thence to gather Affurance ofthe Certainty ofyour Iuflification, and Adoption, and right to Glory. THe fumme of this Dire&ion in thefe things : i. See that you donot content your felf with the forementioned general Comforts, without looking after Affurance and fpecial Comforts. The folly of this I have manifef'ced in the thirdpart of my book ofReft, about felt examination. 2. See that you dream not of finding Affurance and fpecial Comfort from meer general Grounds : This i the delufipn of many Aotinomians, and of moft òf our prophan.e people (who I finde are G 3 commonly