Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

84 VireEionsforgetting and keeping as C`tfahomet bath promifed to his difçiples , this Refolutionwere not found : yet in many leffer points ofDoetrine a true Chriflian may be unfound , and yet foundly cleave to the foundation, Ile may build hay andHubble poflïbly : but the foundation mull be held. r r. Obferve well ( left you miftake me) that I fpeak only of the Neceffity of your prefent Re- folving to forfake all for Chrift, if hecall you to it ; but I fpeak not of your abfolute Promife or Pre- didion, that eventually you fhall not deny or for- fake him. You may be uncertain how you fhall be upheld in a day of tryal, and yet you may now be Refolved or fully Purpofed inyour own mind what todo. To fay, I will trot confect , purpof'e or refolve, turalefr I*ere certain to perform my Refolutiont, and not to flagor change again , this is but to fay, I will be no Chriflian, unlefs I were lure to perfevere. I will not be married to Chrift, left I fhould be drawn tobreakmyCovenant with him. z2. Alfoobferve, that when I fpeak of your re- folving to forfake all for Chrift, it is not to cart away . your ftate or life, but to fubmit it to his difpöfe, and to relinquifh it only in cafe that he command you fo. z 3.' And I do not intend that you fhould be able thus to Refolve of your felf without the fpeciall Grace of God ; nor yet without it to continue thofe Refolutions : much leis to perform them by actual fuffering. ObjeU. But I cannot be lure that God will give me