Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 85 me grace to perfevere, or at leaft not todeny him; as Teter did ; and therefore I Mould neither Pro- mile nor Refolve what I cannot be certain to per form ? nfw, z. I fuppofe you have read the many Scriptures and Arguments which our Divines or- dinarily ufe to prove that the true Believers (ball not fall quite away, And I know not how the op- pofers can anfwer that Text which themfelves ufe to alledge for thecontrary, Mat, 13. 6, zr. Thofe that believe for a time, and in the time of perfecution fall away, it is becaufe the feed had not depth of earth, the word never took rooting in their hearts. Whence it feems that it maybewell inferred , that thofe (hall not fall away in time of temptation, in whom the word of God bath taken deep rooting. And that is,in them in whore hearts or wits Chrif$bath a flronger interefl then the creature, or thofe that have a wellgrounded, unreferved; habitìsatedorfettled Refo- lotion tobe for Chrijl. z. However; your prefent Re- folution and your Covenanting with thrift is no more but this ; to fay, Ido Content; or this 1Rrrs Re- folvedto do, by the helpofGods Grace. 3. Elfeno man Mould be baptized or become a Chriflian, becaufe he is uncertain to keep his Covenants For all that are baptized, do Covenant and vow,to for/ake the World, fiefh and devil, andfight under Clrifs banner to their lives end. Underfland me therefore, that you are not to promife to do this by your own ftrength, but by the ílrengthof( hrifl,, as knowing that he bath pro - mifed his Spirit and Grace for the aid ofevery true Believer. 14. If your Refolution at prefent be hearty, you 3 ought