Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

The Epiflie Dedicatory: most delolate diftreffed condition that he fliall lead you in. Count what it may colt you to get the Crown 5 ftudy well his precepts of Mortification and Self. denyal. There is no truehopes of the Glory to come, if you can- not call over-board all worldly hopes , when the florin is fuch that you mull hazard the one. O how many have thought that Chrill was mob dear to them, and that the hopes of heaven were their chiefeft hopes, who have left Chrift, though with forrow, when he bid them let go all ;# 2. Every day renew your apprehenfions of the Truth and Worth of the Promifed Felicity ; and of the belufory Vanity of all things here below : Let not Heaven lofe with you its Attradive force, through your forgetfulnefs or unbe- lief. He is the bell Chriftian,that knows bell why he is a Chriftian ; andhe will mob faith- fullyfeek and fuffer,that bell knows for what he doth it. Value not Wealth and Honour above that rate which the wifell and bell ex- perienced have put upon them : and allow themno more ofyour affedions then they de- ferve. A mean wit may eafily dircover their emptinefs. Look on all prefent actions and conditions with a remembrance. of their end. Defire not a fbare in theirprofperity, who muff