Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

The Epijile Dedicatory mull pay as dear for it as the lofs of their fouls : Be not ambitious of that honour which inuft end in Cohfufion ; nor of the Favour ofthofe that God will call enemies. How fpeedily will they come down,and be levelled in the dull, and be laid in the chains ofdark- nefs, that now feem fo happy to thepur-blind world, that cannot fee the things to come Fear not that man that muft thortly tremble before that God whom all muft fear. 3. Be more folicitous for the fecuring ofyour Cbn- fciences and Salvation,thenofyour Honours or Eftates : In every thing that you are put upon, confultlrft with God and Confcience ; andnot with fleth and blood. It is yourdaily and molt ferious careand watchfulnefs that is requifite tomaintain your integrity; andnot a few carelefs thoughts or purpofes conjuní`t with a minding of earthly things. 4. Deal faithfully with every truth which you receive. Take heed offubje6ting it to carnal interetls If once you have affections that can mailer your Underilandings, you are loft, andknow itnot. For when you have a Refolution to call offany duty, you will firft believe it is no duty : and when youmuft change your judge- ment for carnal advantages , you will make the change fecal reafonableand right : and evill