Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. i o i 6. Yet further, The Conceptions, Apprehenfions and confequently the fenfible motions of the will, & efpecially the Pafsions, are all naturally exceeding mutable ; Andwhile the mobile,agile fpirits are any way the Inliruments, it will be fo : efpecially where theImpreßion which is in the underftanding is fo fmall and weak. Naturally mans mind and will is exceeding mutable,, turned into an hundred fhapes in a few daies, according as objec`±s are prefented to us, àrt the temperatureof the body difpofeth, helps or--hinder the mind. Let us hear one man reafort the Cafe, and we think he makes all as clear as the Light : Let us hear another folve all his Arguments and difpute for thecontrary, and then we fee that our Apprehenuions were abufed.Let us hear himRe ply and confute all again, and confirm his caufe, and thenwe thinkhim in the right again. Nothing more changeable then the conceivings and mind ofman, till he be throughtyRefolved and Habituated. Now in this cafe,how (hall thofe that have beat little Grace be able to difcern it ? It will not keep the mind from fluauating. Ifthey feem Refolvedfor obedience to Chrift today, to morrow they are fo íhaken by fome enticing objec`f, and force of the fame temptation, that their Refolution is undifcernable ; nay Aau- ally they prefer finat that time before obedience;It is ïmpofiïble then but the foul thould Bagger and be at a lofs ; for it will judge of it felf as it finds it felf, and it cannot difcern the Habitual Prevalency of Chrifts interefi when they feel the At9ual Prevalency ofthe flefhesIntereff : For the Aft is the only dif- coverer of the Habit: And if `Deter himfelf fhoulà have fallen to the examinationofhisheart, Whetl K 3