Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Q2 Dire'bons forgetti,n an4 keeping he Preferred (brill beforehis Life, at the farne time when he was denying and forfwearing Chrift to fave 1 is Liíe,do yóu think he could havedifcerned it ? and ,'yet even thenChrifis Intereft was greateft in himH a- bitually. IfDavidfhould have gone to fearch, whe- ther bepreferred obedience toGod before hi flefhly pleafure, when he was committing Adul cry ; or be- fore his credir, when he was plotting the deathof Vriab , what difcovery do you think be would have rn '4de ?' 7o'dd to allthcfe,that asthefe feveraj diítempers, were they but in the fame meafure in a weak (:.hriiUUan as they are in the beff or in molt, would yet make the'fmallrít rpeafure of Grace un- difcetrtiable (ifwe might luppofe the fmalleft Grace fo be=ott #illcnt wit-11 'fuck a frame ; ) fo it is cer- tain ttìa4117oe4er he be that bath the Jeatt meafure of( rite S d.iftoverin bimfelf, he bath proporti- ònably the leaít meafure ofabilities and helps to dif- cover it, and the greatciI meafure of all the fore- mentioned hinderances : He that bath but a very lit- t"e Repentance, Faith, Love, and Obedience fincere, when he goeth to find it cut, he bath in the fame mea lure, a Darker Underflanding to difccrn it then others have ; and a greater thangenefs and difac- ivanitarne with himfelf; and more dcceitfulnefs in his heart and a greater confufion and hurlyburly in his thoughts andAffeftions, and all more out ofor- der and t'o fees :, A lfo be lath a greater backward- nefs to the wörk of(elf-examination,. and can hardly, get his heart toir,&more hardly to do it throughly, And fearch tó the quick and moft hardly tohold on againft all withdrawing temptations, till he have rude a clearer difcnvery,. And l01y his foul is more I. nimble