Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

108 DireFionsforgetting andkeeping .DIRECTION XIII. 13. From the last mentioned obferva- tion, there is one plain Confe6tary an fing which I think you may do well to note by the way, That According to Gods ordinary way ofgirving Grace, it cannot be expeEed that Chriflians should be able to know the rvery time of their fill receiving or acing truefacing Grace orju/l when they were Pardoned Iu(li fied Adopted, and put into a flate o fSalva= ration. His muff needs be undeniable, ifyou grant the former Point, that the leaf' oueafuure of Grace, yieldeth not slf furance of its fincerity ( which is proved : ) and withall ifyou grant this plain truth, That it id ggods ordinary way togive afmall meafure of Grace at the firfß.This I prove thus :1 r, Chrift lilie- neth Gods KingdomofGrace to a grainof mufaard feed, which is at firft the loft of all feeds, but after cometh