Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and comfort. 109 corneal to a tree: And to a little leaven,which leave- neth the whole lump:I will not deny but this may be applyed to the vifible progrefs of the Gofpel and in- create ofthe Church:but it is plainly appliable allo to the Kingdomof Chrift withinus.z.The Scripture ofc calleth fuch youngbeginners, Babes, Children, No- vices, &c. 3. We are all commanded ftill to grow it; grace,which implyeth that we haveour fmûlleft mea. fure at the 6t ft. 4. Htb.5.12. fheweth, that flrengtb of Grace fhould be according to time and means. 5. Common experience is an invincible argument for this. Men are at a diftance from Chrift when he firft calleth them tocome to him : and many Reps they have Toward him before they reachTo him. We are firft fo far enlightned as to fee our fin and mifery, and the meaning and truthof the Gofpel , and fo rowfed out ofour fecurity, and made to look about us, and fee that we have fouls to fave or lofe,and that it is no jelling matter tobe a Chriftian : and fo we come to underfland the tenour of the Covenant, and Chrifts terms offaving men : But alas how long is it dually after this, before we come fiencerely to yield to his terms, and take him as he is offered, and Re- nounce the World, Flefh and the Devil, and G ive up our felves tohim in a faithfull Covenant 1 We are long deliberating before we Can get our backward hearts to Refolve. How then fhould a man know juft whenhe was part the higheft ftepof commonorpre- parativeGrace, and arrived at the fiat ftep of fpcci- all Grace ? Yet mark, that I here fpeak only ofGods ordina; ry way ofgivingGrace : For I doubt not but in forne Codmay give a higher degree ofGrace at the firft ay.