Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

V2e EpiJ?le Ded catorj . evill (hall be proved good when you have a mind to follow it. 5. Make Gofpel-Truths your own, by daily humble fludies, ari(ng to fuck a foundnefsofjudgement, that you may. not need to take too much upon trail ; left ifyour guides fhoul4 mifcarry, you mifcarry with them. Deliver not up your underftand- ing in Captivity to any. 6. Yet donot over value your own Underftandings. This Pride path done that in Church and State,whichall clifcerning men are lamenting., They that but litt e , fee not what theywant , as well as what they have 5 nor that imperfecti- on in their knowledge which íhould humble them , nor that difficulty in things , which should make them diligent andmodeft.7. töip. prehend the necefsity and Llfefulnefs of Chrifls Officers, Order and Ordinances for the profperity of his Church : Paftors muff guide you, though not feduce you, or lead you blind-fold. But choofe (if you may)fuch as are judicious, and not ignorant, not rafla but lober, not formal but ferions and fpiritual, not of carnal but heavenly converfations ; efpecially avoid them that divide and follow parties, and leek to draw Difciples to them- pelves, and can facrifice the Churches Unity and Peace to theirproud humors or carnal in- terefls