Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

!RI 116 VireEions forgetting andkeeping DIRECTION XIV. 14. Yet further I would have you to underíaand this : That As the leaft meafure of .SavingGrace is ordinarily undifcernable from the greateg meafure of common Grace, { notwithilanding the greatnefs of the change that it makes ) fo a meafurefomervintgeater isfo hard- ly difcernable, that it /eldo3n brings 4 furance : And therefore it is only the flronger Chri/1 ians that attain Affurance ordinarily; even thole,who barve agreat degree of faith and loeve, and keep them much in exercife, and areevery Tmtchful and careful in Obedience : And confe- quently ( moll ('hriJìi4ns being of the ,eaker fort) it is butfevo that do attain to 4f furance of their Iu(tiflcation and Salvation. Ere are twoor threepoints which Iwould have you diffindly toobferve, though I lay them all together for brevity. I. That it is only a greater meafure