Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace andComfort. 117 meafure ofGrace that tiíll ordinarily afford Affu= rance. 2. That therefore it is only the ftronger, and holier, and more obedient fort of Chriftians that ufually reach to a Certainty of Salvation. 3. That few Chrifliansdo reach to a ftrongor high degree of Grace. 4. And therefore it is but few Chrif cars that reach to Affurance. For the two firft of thefe, it will evidently appear that they are true, by reviewing the Reafons which J gave ofthe lalt point lave one, He that will attain to a Certainty of Salvation, mutt z. Have a large meafure ofGrace tobe difcerned. 2. He mull have that Grace much in action, and lively Aftion : For it is not meer Habits that are difcernable. 3. He mutt have a clear underflandIng tobe acquainted with the nature ofSpiritual things: To knowwhat is a found evidence, and how to follow the fearch, and how to repell particular Temptations. 4. He mutt have a good acquaintance& famliarity with his own hearts and to that end muff be much at home, and be ufed fometime to a diligent obfervation ofhis heart and wayes. 5. He mutt be in a good meafure acquainted with, and a Conquerour ofcontradic`fingTemptati- ons: 6. He mull have Tome competent cure ofthe deepdeceitfulnefs ofthe heart, & it mutt be brought to an open, plain, ingenuous frame, willing to know the worfl of it felt7. He mutt have fome cure of that ordnary confufion and tumultuous diforder that is in the thought and affeélions of men : and get things into an order in his mind. S. Hemull be a man of Diligence, Refolation, and unwearied Patience, that will Refolvedly fet on the work ofPelf-examina© lion , and painfully watch in ir9 and conitantly L 3 follow