Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

118 DireRions forgetting and keeping follow it from time to timetill he attain a Certainty. 9. He mutt be one that is very fearful of finning and careful in dole obedient walking with God, and much in fincere and fpiritual duty, that hekeepnot confcience El in accufing and condemning him,and God ftill offended with him, and his wounds freffi bleeding, and his foul ftill frnarting. io. He mull be a man ofmuch.fixednefs and conftancy of mind, and not of the ordinary mutability of mankind; that fo he maynot by remitting his zeal and diligence, lofe thefight ofhis evidences,nor by leaving open his foul to an alteration by every new intruding thought and temptation, let go his A ffurance as loon as he attain- eth it. All thefe things in a good degree are Necef-, fary to the attainingof Affurance ofSalvation. And then do I need tò fay any more to the Con- firmationof the third Point, That few Chriflians reach this meafure ofGrace ? O that it were not as clear as the light, and as difcernable as the earthun- der our feet, that moft true Chritlians are weaklings and ofthe lower forms in the School of Chrifil Alas, how ignorant are moltof the belt ? How littleLove, or Faith,or Zealior heavenly mindnefs,or Delight in God,have they? How unacquainted with a frequent exercife of thefe Graces ? How unacquainted with the way offelt examination ? and how backward to it ? and bow dull and carelefs in it ? doing it by the halves,as Laban fearched &whets Tent?How eafi- ty put off with an excufe ? How little acquainted with their own hearts ? or with Satans temptations and wales ofdeceiving ? how much deceitfulnefs re- rnaineth in their hearts ? how confufed. arc their minds ? andwhat cliftraelions and tumults are there in