Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

I; DireFtioìts for getti;ig and keep nb Lure of God. z. And of the Mediatour , and his OffiLe. 3. And the .univtrfal fufficiency of Chrifis fatisfat`tion. 4. And the general tenour of the Pro- mile and offer of pardon and falvation. Now I add, that befides all there, there are many grounds of firong Probability which yota may have ofyour own Sincerity, and fo ofyour particular. Intereft inChri[I & falvation, when you cannot reach to a Certainty. z . Some kind of Probability youmay gather by cotnparingyour felfwith others. Though this way be but delufory to unregenerate men, whole confi- dence is plainly contradic`Ied by the Scriptures, yet may it be lawful and ufeful to an humble foul that is willing to obey and wait on God : I mean to confider, that if firth as you fhould perifh, how few People would God bath in the world ? Confider firfl in how narrow a compafs the Church was, confined before Chrifis corning in the flab ? and how carnal and corrupt even that vifible Church then was ? and even at this day , the moil Learned do compute, that ifyou divide the world into thir- ty parts, nineteen ofthem are Heathenifh Idolaters, fix of them are Mahometans, and only five of them art~ Chriflians. And ofthefe five that are Chriflians, how great a part are of the 4Ethiopian, Greek and Popifh Churches ? fo ignorant, rude and fuperfliti- ous and erroneous, that falvation cannot be ima- gined to be near fo eafie or ordinarywith them as with us : andof the Reformed Churches, common- ly called Proteflants, how final( is the number ? And evenamongthefe,. What a number are grof ly ignorant and profane ? and of thofe that pro- fefs more knowledge and zeal , how many are grofly