Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. '33 grofly Erroneons , Schifmatical and Scandalous ? How exceeding fmall a number is left then that are fuch as you ? I know this is no Jffuring Argu- ment ;. but I knowwithall that Chrift dyed not in vain ; but he will fee the fruit of his fufferings to the fatisfa&ion of his foul and the God of Mercy, who is a Lover of Mankind , will have a multitude innumerable of his faved ones, in the. earth. 2. But your ftrongeft Probabilities are from the Confideration ofthe Work of God upon your fouls, and the prefent frame and inclination ofyour foul to God. You may know that you have workings above nature in you ; and that they have been kepr alive and carried on thefe manyyears age inft all oppofition of the [lefh and the world : I t bath not been a meet flafhofConviftion which bath been extinguithed by fenfuality , and left you in the darkne's of fecurity and prophanets as others are. You dare not give up your hopes of Heaven for all the world Youwould not part with Chrift,an4 fay, Let him go, for all the pleafures of fin, or trea- lures ofthe earth ; If youhad(as you have) an offer of God, Christ , Grace and Glory on one fide, and worldly profperity in fin on the other fide, you would choofe God, and let gó the other. You dare not, you would not give over Praying, Hearing, Reading and Chriftian company , and give up . your felf to worldly, flefhly pleafures .; yet you arenot Affured of falvation, becaufe you find not. that Delight and Life in Duty, and that Witnefs of the Spirit,and that communion with God,nor that tendernefs ofheart, as youdefirc. It is.. well that M 3 y©