Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

15o DireE inns for(getting and keepsg. dobelieve the Truthof the Gofpel., and are hearti- ly Willing to Accept Chrift as offered in it, and only Doubt whether your belief and Acceptance of him be fincere, and fo whether you (hall he laved, this is not Unbelief, but ignorance of your own sincerity, and its coniequents. Nay, ant. though that Affiance be wanting, which is a part of Faith, yet it is but an hindering of the exercife of it, for want ofa neceffary concomitant condition ; for the Grace ofAffiance in the Habit, and Virtually is there : fo that it is not formally Dithuft or Unbelief any more then your not Trufling God in your fleep is D:ftruft. If a friend do Promife to give you an hundred pound on condition that you thankfully Accept it : if you now do believe him , and do thankfully 4cccpt it ; but yet through fume vain fcruple (hall think , My tha ;1< ftslne i ù fo fall, that it is not fincere, and .therefore I doubt I do not perform his condition, and f a fball never havlthe gift, in this cafe now you do believe your friend , and you do not diftruii him properly ; but you Dir}raft your felf that you perform not the condition ; and this hindreth the exercife of that Confidence or Affiance in your friend which is ha- bitually and virtually in you, Juft fo is it in our pre- fent cafe. The fare maybe faid of Defperation, which is a Privation of Hope ; When we have believed the Truthof the Gofpel, and Accepted Chrift offered, we a.a then bound to Hope that God will give us the benefits promifed : Sohope is nothing but A de- firms expe%lationof the good f) promifed and be, lieved. Now if you begin to difirufi whether God will