Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

To the Poor in Spirit. your prefent enjoynients, ifyou lookt for Lefs. Why is it that you can fcarce name a Creature near yott, that is not' a fcourge toyOu, bat hecaute yofe can !Cara nameone that is notyour Idol ? or, at lea.", whichyou donot expert morefrom, then you ought ? Nay ( Which is one Of the faddefl Confiderationsofthis kind that canhe imagined) God isfain toIcourge us molt even by the higheg ProfeffOrs of Religion, becaufe we have molt Idolized them,and had fuch exceflive expecia- tions from them. One wouldhave thought it next toan impofibility, that [itch men, and fo many of them, couldever have been c1(awn to do that againfl the Church, again(I that .,Gofpel-Mini- flry, andordinances of God (whicb4nce feemed dearer to them then tbeir lives) whiCh bath fince been done, and which yet we fear:! But a be- bey* eyecandifcern the reafon of thisfad pro- vidence (inpart :) Never men were more Ido- lied: and therefore no wonder ifwe were never foaffliaed by any. Ales when will we learn by Scripture and Providence fo to know God anc} the Creature, as to look far Morefrom him, and Left from them ! We have looked for Wonders "r7071; Scotland, and what is come of it ? We looked that War lhould have even (atisfied our defires, andwhen it had removed all vifible Im pediments, we thought ive Pallid have hadflab a g lorious