Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

To thePoor in Spirit. glorious Reformation as the Worldnever knew! Andnow behold, a Babel, and a ran9led Defor- mation! ! What high .Expeclatioras had we from an Af embl y ! what Expect ations from a Parli- ament! and where ,are they now ! o hear the Word of the Lord , ye low-fpirited People ß Ceafé ye from inan , whofe breath is in his nofhrils : for wherein is he t the be accountedof tf ifa. 2. 23. ] [Curled man that trufteth in man , and maketh flesh his arm, and whole heart departeth from the Lord : For he (hall be like the Hearth in the Delart, and fhall not fee when Good cometh. Blef ed is the man that trufteth in the Lord, and whofe Hope the Lord is : For he l'hall be as a Tree planted by the Waters; &c. era 17. 5,6,7,8e ] [Surely men of Lou degree are Vanity, and men of High degree are a Lye : to be laid in the ballance they are alto- gether lighter then Vanity, Pfal. 6z. 9 ] Let me warn you all, Chriflians, for the time to come, Take the Creature as a Creature : remuas ber its frailty , look for no morefrom it then its part : If you have the nearefl , dearefl , godly friends, expect tofeeithefling oftheir Corrupti- ons, as well as to tag the fweetnefs of their Grace : And they mull expect the like froc you.