Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

41;414,444,404140444144++44144+404440 The CONTENTS. THE Cafe to be Refolved. Pag.i DIRECTION I. l ifcover the true caufeofyour Trouble. 3 Thecontinued neceeifyofa(landing Miniflry. S DIRECTION IL Difcover well how much of your trouble isfrom Melancholy, orfrom outward Crofes, and ap- ply the Remedy accordingly. DIRECTION III. Lay fcrfl in your under¡landing found and apprehenfions of Gods nature. R The Benefits that ararefrom the apprehenfaons Gods Goodnefs. DIRECTION IV. Get deep apprehenfaons of the Graciota. Newt' andoffice ofthe Mediator. 23 oIItECTION V. Believeandconfider thefull fuficiency of Sacrifice and Ranfom for all. 6 t5 C.3