Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

The Contents. DIRECTION VI. Apprehend the Freenefs , ulnafsandUniveffali- tyof the Lawof Grace , or Conditional Grant of Pardon and Salvation toall men, if they will Repent andBelieve. 27 DIRECTION VIL Underfland the difference between General Grace andSpecial, and between the Pofibility, Pro- babilith Conditional Certainty, and4bfolute Certainty of your Salvation, andfo between thefeveral Degrees of Comfort that thefe Se- verals may afford. 28 How much Comfort the unconvertedmay receive fromGeneral Grace. 32 DIRECTION VIII. Under,fiand rightly the true nature of laving faith. 39 DIRECTION IX. Next perform the Condition by ,dual Be- lieving. 44 Objeet. I am not able to Believe : Anfver- ed. 4S Direc7ionhors toget Faith. 47 ,how far the Prayers of the wickedare accept- able. 48 DIRECTION X. Next Reviewyour own Believing, andthencega- ther Af frsrance. 53 The