Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

The Contents. DIRECTION XXV. Study thegreat art of DoingGood, and letit be your every-dayes contrivance, care and bufi- nefs, how to lay out all your Talents to the greatefl advantage. 253 Applyed to our Rulers, and to Rich men. 257 DIRECTION XXVI. trouble not your foul with needlef fcruples : Nor makeyourfell more work then Godbath made you., byfeigning that unlawful which God bath not forbidden ; or by placing your Religien in Will-worthip, or overmuch rigour toyour body, &c. 264 What it is tobe righteous over-much ? The Que- flion wfwered, Whether all Vertue be in the middle ? Andwhether we can love or ferve God too much ? 265 c.dll over-doing in Gods work is Undoing. The Devil is molt zealous in over-doing. A fad inflance hoar much the Devil hathgot by over-doing. r. In Dol"irine, againft Ilereticks, by adding to the Creed , and forfaking Scripture- phrafe. 2. In Difcipline. 3. In Government, or Church-porver. 4. In Wor(hiip. 5. In Reformation, efpecially of late. The