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The Contents. TheDevilgoes beyondChri fl inalltheft, whenhe oncefals to work. 27® DIRECTION XXVII. When God bath di fcovered your fincerity toyou, fix it inyour Memory , that itmay be ufeful for the time to come ; and leavenot yourfoul open to new crprehenfons Except in cafe ofnotable decliningsorgros finning. 288 Proved,that in thefeexceptedcafes, even theyu- , ¡liftedmay queflion theirsincerity andyuflifi- cation. 289 DIRECTION, XXVIII. Beware ofperplexing mif interpretationsof 1. Scriptures. 2. Providences. 3. Sermons. And be willing that ,Mini/ersfhouldpreachmofl fearchingly and . rouzingly. for the good of others, without mifapplying it toyourfelf. 2`97 DIRECTION: XXIX. Di flinguifh carefullybetween cafes ofDoubting, and caufes of mear Humiliation and Amend- ment : Godcallethyou very often to Humilia- tion, when he callethyounot to Doubting. 310 7'wcnty ordinary D o u B r s Refolved. i. About knowing the timeandmanner ofCon ver fon, 312 2. ,about