Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace andComfort. Phyfitians ; fo when all Difcoveries and Directions aremadeinDivinity, there will fill be a Necefity of a conícant landing Miniiiry. And as ignorant Wo- men and Emprikes do kill oft-times more then they Cure, though theyhave thebelt Receipts, for want ofJudgement andexperience toufe them aright fo do ignorant teachers and Guides by mens fouls, though they can fay the fame words as a Judicious Pafor, and repeat the-fame Texts ofScripture. Not that I mean, that fuch can do no good ; `Les, much no doubt, ifthey will humbly, compaflìonately and faithfully improve their Talents within the verge of their ownCalling ; which ifthey go beyond, ordina- rily a remarkable Judgement followeth their heft la- bours ; both to the Churches-and particularfouls that makeufeofthem.And therefore becaufe (ifmy conic-- aural prognoflicks fail not, as I daily pray they may) weare like to be more tried and plagued this- way, then ever were any of our fore-fathers fince Adams dayes till now ; and feeing this is the hour of our Temptation wherein God is purpofely feperating the chaff, and difcovering to the world, The dangers ofinjudicious mifguided Zeal ; I fhall therefore. both ñrft and laft advife you, as ever you would have a fetled peace of Confcience, keep out of the hand of vagrant and feducing Mountebanks under what Names,or Titles,or.pretences ;fever they may of ault . you. Efpeciallyiùfpe& all that beitow as much pains towin you to their party, as to win you to Chriíio